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Everything posted by pilotdave

  1. Sorry, ya just missed it. I was all set to record it on my computer but got the blue screen of death when i hit the start button. Jay's intern Ross did a tandem jump at Perris. "We're at 13,500. Extra altitude for the VIP." Where's Perris usually jump from, 13,499?
  2. on the bright side, you manage a body shop. Ya get the repairs at wholesale prices, right! Free labor if ya do it yourself, too! Dave
  3. Went with my (non-skydiving) brother. His favorite scene in the whole movie was the skydiving scene. I liked it cause they wore Z1's just like mine ('cept with the optional soft touch finish)
  4. Yeah. Was that yours? It had skydiving in the name but I couln't find anything skydiving about it.
  5. That is SO classic. Make that black and white, fade it a little, and that could be a WW2 bombadier having some fun :-) Dave
  6. bv2.mpg is now known as liteup_high.mpg. Dave
  7. http://www.skydivingmovies.com /misc/bv2.mpg (40 megs) High quality version of Kreg Hoag's "Lit Up" video. (want me to rename that kreg?) /RW/6erEstland1.mpg (2 megs) 3 point 6 way from Parasummer2002 (http://www.skydive.ee/parasummer) /freefly/summermix2k1.avi (42 megs) Freeflying clips from http://www.freefly.de /misc/AS-Promo-video_high.mov (12 megs) /misc/AS-onyx-test_high.mov (18 megs) /misc/tandem.mov (7 megs) Atair promo videos. http://www.extremefly.com/ /freefly/GERMAN-freeflyShaving-WettenDass.avi (46 megs) Capture of the German TV Show "Wetten Dass?!" from channel ZDF. Head-downer shaves a sitflier in freefall. /freelfy/Flori2.mpg (1.6 megs) Short freefly clip. Happy downloading! Dave
  8. I think their rides are by invite only, even if you're not jumping. There are plenty of other blimp operators out there though. Dave
  9. is it bidness time or personal time? Dont want to just ditch the boss, but couldnt you just say you have plans? Dave
  10. Yeah, to do it legally, the pilot has to be in radio contact with ATC and has to have called ahead of time with the location and all that. I'm guesing those steps have been skipped before. If you are going to pay the pilot, he's gotta be a commercial balloon pilot. You don't really need to care about the pilot's experience. All you're doing is jumping. He better know what he's doing for his own safety though. I think balloons can be damaged by very quick ascents, which is why they start off in a descent. Dave
  11. OUCH! Skydive Delmarva and Parachutes Are Fun are competitors. PAF is in Salisbury, MD, and Delmarva is about 13 miles away in Laurel, MD. Delmarva's site is http://www.skydivedelmarva.com Delmarva's a bit out of the way, but they recently hired a new rigger/gear dealer that is very experienced. Also, you might want to call Delmarva and ask about riggers in western MD. Some of their instructors are riggers that live a lot closer to ya. Dave
  12. Any of them are really fine. Every time I've seen this question asked, the answer has always been positive about every jumpsuit. I have a Bev, ordered direct from them, and I like it. Heard good things about Tony suits, although I think they're a little more expensive. I think more important than the brand is how it fits and what it's made of. The materials and tightness of the suit depend on how fast you fall naturally, to help make you fall at the same speed as everyone else. If you don't know if you're a fast or slow faller, talk to your jumpmasters. Also, try to get measured by a jumpsuit dealer or someone that's ordered jumpsuits before. They'll know exactly what measurements are important, where to leave it looser, and where to make it tighter. Course the hardest part is picking colors. Thats what you should be thinking about first!
  13. Yep, I went to a presentation by one of their writers a few months ago. It's a really small group that produces the onion, and so they all take vacations at the same time. It's interesting how the onion works. Every monday, each writer has to bring a certain number of new topics to a meeting. They sit around picking them apart, and decide which ones they want to use and which they'll throw away. They add the ones they like to a master list. On wednesday, they put together the next week's issue, picking a variety of topics off the master list. Then they write the articles, and they get published the next week. Sounds like a very hectic job. The guy I saw writes articles for 3 different "characters." They seem to have fun. Dave
  14. Looks nice from that angle. Whats the other side look like though? And move that baby out of the way. Can't see the whole thing. Dave
  15. I said it on the newsgroup, but I'll say it again. That's the best dropzone website (other than this one
  16. Ummmm, 78 mph is equal to 6864 feet/min. Thats a HELL of a decent rate for a 182 at ANY altitude, let alone 750 feet. Just for a reference, that's equivalent to a 110 mph dive at 45 degrees. Dunno about you, but I don't think a 182 has any bidness doing that at 750 feet. Not that it's impossible, but very unlikely. Now an america west plane, maybe...
  17. Buy yourself a good RW suit that fits, and maybe a used freefly suit later. I think an RW suit is far more important for RW than a freefly suit is for freeflying. Maybe you'd rather start with just a pair of freefly pants for example. Dave
  18. Oh, as far as the subject goes, I can answer that now. If you want to get a close shave in freefall, go into a sitfly and have your buddy with a razor go head down in front of you. Now THAT should be the atmosphere dolphin test. Playing with space balls is wimpy compared to playing with sharp razors and your friend's face! Now that I have the codec, I'll attempt to shrink the file down a bit. It's around 44 megs now. Dave
  19. AHHHHHH new divx release. Dunno what G400 is all about, but there's now a DivX version 5. I joined their mailing list so hopefully I'll know to go download a new version next time. Thanks! Dave
  20. Hey spy, think you can upload it to the server? I'd like to make it available. Dave
  21. have it installed.... doesn't include it. I have every codec I need to play every other video on the site, so it must be something weird. Dave
  22. that's freaking hilarious! Dave
  23. I'm just as curious as you are. Anyone able to see I get sound but no picture. DivX Playa won't open it. Anyone know what codec it needs? Dave
  24. I'm about to start measuring in years per jump. I have 55 over the last 4 years. Can anyone beat that? Dave