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Everything posted by Beatnik

  1. I think it was from a Capewell cover. I was thrown around pretty hard when that thing opened up. Who knows, what it is from. The opening was an instant stop and nothing would surprise me. Some thought it might have been from the reserve. Don't know what it was from and from how hard that opening was, nothing would surprise me. I have been knocked out a couple of times on openings and this one was close. If I took this canopy to terminal, it probably would have knocked me out. I hate it when that happens but it does make for good stories later.
  2. Nice video and you got to give those people credit. They are doing something people less than half their age wouldn't do. I have seen rounds like that before. In fact I own a couple. Nothing new but nice to see.
  3. I don't know if it is the same guy I am thinking of. A friend of mine is designing a camera system for a jumper in Britain planning on breaking the high altitude record. From what I have been told is that he is planning a test jump from 50000 ft shortly and then is going to be doing the record jump somewhere in Canada. I would guess that he would be picking the approximate area that the French jumper is planning on doing it. After finding out that there are two people that have approval for doing a high altitude by the Canadian Government. It makes me wonder why they aren't trying to get one of their own up in the air and break the record.
  4. Are you talking about Al's ripcords? The reason he does the two balls at the end of the ripcord cable is psychological. The cost of a ball is pretty much nothing and he and his customers said they felt better having two on the end. The second one doesn't add any strength to the assembly.
  5. I have seen several people put a standard RSL on their rig or the factory approves connecting both shackles on one riser. Then it affective acts like a regular RSL except for the appearance of two shackles on one riser.
  6. I'll agree with them originally not intended to be used in air. Maybe I am wrong on this, but I believe there original intent was to allow paratroopers to release their canopies if they were being dragged in high winds, some were even dragged to their deaths. Without going through some of my books, I believe it was a couple years after the end of WWII the Capewell release was invented with this reason in mind.
  7. You nailed it. I didn't think anyone would guess. This is the rig that Flying High made for the movie Moonraker. As far as I know, these are pretty much the only shots left of this rig. I talked to Al MacDonald about the rig and it has been dubbed the "Bond" Rig. This is a pretty easy one. Who is modeling it?
  8. I don't know about this one Rob. The atmosphere does affect how a parachute packs. Take packing in the dry province of Alberta. Everything packs larger there. I think it is more of the design of the rig that makes in comfortable. Any rig packed soft is going to be more comfortable than a brick. On a note to the original poster. One thing that hasn't been mentioned, is the AAD factor for Racers. Any AAD you get for a Racer is going to cost you a more money than a more common one pin models. If you are looking a used AAD, two pin AADs aren't as common as one pin ones.
  9. Swift main parachute is correct. This is a tough one so I will keep posting pictures and hopefully someone will put it all together. Here are a couple more packing shots.
  10. This should stir up a great discussion. I don't mind Racers at all and think they have a lot of things going for them. But there are a lot of people that don't like them. Mainly riggers because they aren't current or familiar with packing them. Because of that you might find some that charge more or refuse to pack them. The canopies just need to be in within that container's main and reserve tray volumes. As long as they fit it doesn't matter the make or model of the rig. As far as a rig considered better for beginners, they really aren't any major differences that would affect anything. There are pretty standard features on all rigs out there, the rest are just bling and maybe an odd creature comfort.
  11. Nope. I will give a small hint, well maybe it won't help. The canopy that is being packed into it is a square.
  12. Here is one for all of you. This should be a tough one for all of you. Howard, no cheating
  13. You don't always have to find the oldest guy. I tell you rings and ropes and the OSI aren't as bad as some of the things tried. I got to do a jump with a hydraulic reefing device. I don't know what the hell happened on that deployment it was so fast and violent, I hardly knew what happened. Something hit me hard during it and left a pretty good shiner.
  14. You think the OSI is bad, you should be glad you haven't jumped a hydraulic reefing canopy. I have never had such a violent opening. Somehow I got a black eye from it. There was also the Raeford diaper as well. Never jumped a canopy in that configuration. With rings and ropes there were two types. Top surface and bottom surface. I haven't had a chance to jump my Strato-Star but have been told that the underside rings and ropes work better than the top surface. Judging from my experience with my Para-Plane, I would be willing to believe it. If someone wants to take a kick at it, I think they should give it a go. It doesn't hurt to try new things and maybe something new will be invented. Greg Yarbenet invented the slider in 1973. That is 35 years without any major changes. I am willing to bet that there were other ideas that never hit the market and maybe disappeared from the records. You can't advance unless someone is willing to try something new.
  15. I didn't remain on the BoD because I am moving out of the region. One of the little hassles with being an officer in the Canadian Forces. The issues happened at the AGM when I was drawn in because there wasn't a quorum because of one of the current directors not making it there on time because of the weather and another didn't attend. The whole thing wasn't exactly as it would normally go. I choose not to throw peoples names out there for respect to them as I don't know if they want there names out there. Maybe I am used to a different form of privacy. If people are interested in what is going on they can gather the information and put the pieces together to form their on conclusion rather than try and pass on what they should think. I am not doing anything illegalin anyway that I am aware of so for what I would be liable for I am not sure. I am not going to touch the Mercier stuff as there is a lot that went on with him and a lot more that doesn't even need to be mentioned other than one thing. Sometimes, a lot of things can be resolved with just an apology. I have done and am doing a lot of history documents and projects for CSPA and have a lot more information that you are giving me credit for. I have files that date back to 1962. My claims are not entirely based on the inside scoop it is also information I have uncovered in my research. Don't read into the years in my profile, they aren't the most accurate. Granted Andrew I don't know much about you, but please don't make assumptions about me. I was the only BoD member to complete all of their tasks and do the job. Everyone else had outstanding tasks. When I visited all the dropzones in my region, it was mentioned that I was the first person in over 15 years to visit them. I have said what I want to say on the subject and that is it. I don't want to get into a shit flinging match here. But these aren't exactly third hand stories and I have done my research. Maybe yours has uncovered other information and that is great, my research has uncovered what I have posted. Again, I am not trying to bash or spread any guile information, this is the stuff that I have uncovered and if it is incorrect, I would like to see the additional information on it and then I will reevaluate my stand on it.
  16. You clearly don't know the entire details of the incident. If you really knew exactly what went on you might think differently. He was at fault but I don't think it was entirely his. There was more than one individual at the meeting. The whole committee for NPA 99-148 which I was one of the original people had the individuals at the meeting. You don't know the internals of the situation. I was there and present for the whole thing and didn't see you anywhere in any of the meetings. I have a little more experience with what is going on than you are giving me credit for. The BoD wasn't as dyfunctional as people would like to believe. If you want to continue this stuff outside the forums please do but this is not the place to discuss this stuff. There is a lot more information than what is being made to the general membership. I am just trying to speak the truth something that you aren't allowed to do when you are on the BoD all the time. I wasn't bringing peoples names into things for a reason, if you want to do so be my guest but I won't respond to those things as I have no intention of bashing anyone. Call me what you like but you really need to dig a little deeper. Still trying to figure out how myself equals 20% when there were six of us.
  17. CSPA dropzones had similar thigns happen to them. One issue that comes to mind that is not helping the situation but CSPA would love for its membership to forget is a situation that occurred in Manitoba. The details of the incident are quite alarming and are not outlined in the media coverage. But this is something that is always avoided and blame is pushed elsewhere. I am aware of the CSPA individuals at the meeting and I know one was for it because of belief that the regulations would shut down smaller dropzones and drive more business his way (regarding commercially operated aircraft). Now this same individual and business partner (which somehow weaseled his way into a power position in CSPA) are against it because they are seeing it detrimental to their pocket books. People really need to stop flinging these rumors if they have no idea what is going on. The things you hear are only what is wanted to be said and win you over to their side. I got to see a lot of it when I was a CSPA BoD member. This same situation is happening now and because it wasn't opposed at the beginning, ten years ago, it is making this fight so much more difficult. Unfortunately, if we win this battle, one of the people that was trying to get this inplace will most likely be portrayed as the person that is responsible for winning this and will then be able to continue manipulating the association for his personal gain instead of bettering the sport, the association, and most importantly the membership. Before making comments regarding the CSPA and CAPS situation or any that is faced in sport parachuting in Canada. The jumpers should ask questions, don't take things on face value, get involved and learn the facts. People will tell you what they want you to hear so that you will side with them, do yourself a big favor and educate yourselves.
  18. Sorry about that. Had something else in the clipboard apparently. I changed the link in the previous post to reflect the proper webpage. I was just given approval from Bill with Mike's agreement to post it on the web. So when I get a chance, I will upload it.
  19. My good friend Mike Swain filmed the 2nd Chuteless jump for my buddy Bill. You can get copies of the video from Mike's webpage:
  20. The collection is pretty cool. Got some rare parachutes in it now. But the best part of the whole collection is that it comes out to play and on a very regular basis. This is no closet collection.
  21. Does anyone out there have a copy of the Pioneer Hornet (circa 1975) owner's manual that they could send me?
  22. I should have known to ask you first. And of course you would have a picture of one too.
  23. Russian "Pinwheel" The chute that goes forward or backwards, you face the target at all times. I came across this ad in an old skydiving magazine. Does anyone know anything about this parachute or have a picture of one? I have been asking around and no one I have talked has even heard of this thing. Being 1963 this must have been one hot parachute. It cost $5 more than a 7TU system.
  24. I personally have no problem with pop-top, mainly because that is what I learned on. The first ten rigs I repacked were Racers. But after seeing other riggers and talking so many more, they aren't a favorite for a lot of people. I have the same fear as you do and these people still need to be properly trained on the emergency procedures. The pictures are the greatest so I can't tell where the cutaway handle is located. If they put it on the other side of the MLW where it is normally located on sport gear, it isn't going to be the easiest thing to find or locate if the need arises. They also mention that the reverse risers aren't recommended for skydiving. I am not a BASE jumper yet, but my understand for the reverse risers is primarily to prevent the locking loop on the risers from wearing out because of all the dragging that most do during packing. I think this is like what was going on when people started BASE jumping. They were using their skydiving gear and then some people started designing gear for that sport, now Jumpshack is trying to turn back the clock and is reverse evolving the gear. If people want to skydive with their BASE canopy, then they should do it with skydiving gear. Having this gear as a solution to be able to only carry one set of gear around on trips, like they mention is ridiculous. gear is designed for a specific reason this just seems like trouble to me.