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  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sorry. I'm really bored. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  2. My reserve smells. Can I use febreze on it? Having a nice smelling reserve is important to me. Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  3. Good call, Ms. "S", good call! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  4. Is gorgeous Great thread, by the way! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  5. But surely 2*infinity = infinity? ... Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  6. Mmmm... cake... Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  7. You need to hold (as in, physically have) a licence in order to have the priveliges associated with that licence, but you do have a one month grace period from the date you complete the requirements for that licence, where you have all the priveleges but don't need to hold the actual physical licence. Your center should be able to provide you with a form you'll need to fill in, send it off to the BPA (adress on the licence form) and they'll send you your licence. Congrats on getting your A! Blue skies! John G Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  8. Yip Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  9. I haven't - and that's not a lie! Why, might you ask? Well, when you wanna know how good a car is, do you spend ages looking at the manual and gawping at the size of you engine, or do you take it for a ride and see what you can do with the thing? Actually this is something I have always found amusing. People often think that they could tell how powerful a car is from just driving it but this could not be farther from the truth. I am that guy with the stop watch that puts all bull shit to rest. I remember it started when I got my first vehicle an F-150 and started hanging out with people who raced their cars. I quickly learned that my truck was able to do 0-60 in about 10 seconds flat. Now that is not extremely impressive but after all its just a truck. Still I knew people with all sorts of cars kind of like yourself who thought they could tell how fast a car was by just driving it. One friend had an Iroc camaro with a 5.0 liter V8 engine. He thought he was driving that car really fast up until he raced my truck and I smoked him. Truth be told he camaro was a standard (just like my truck) but he didn't really know how to race. In anycase he thought he was moving fast but wasn't. Then there was that friend who thought his geo storm was so fast. So we went to a nice lonely straight away to see how he did up against the stopwatch. It was hilarious. Being in that car listening to him talk about how fast it was and then still his face drop when I showed him his time was over 13 seconds 0-60. I can site more example but the point is your statement is totally incorrect. You can not tell how fast a car is unless you put it to the test. As a matter fact you can't even tell that way because you don't know if you ability is taking the vehicle to its fullest potential. What you can do is read a road test review that shows what professional drivers were able to do with your car. If you know a little bit more to begin with you can start to know what to expect by comparing engine size, number of valves per cylinder, weight of the vehicle, significant air resistance, what size rear end is in it, etc... Err... I think we have some crossed wires here. What I was saying (or rather, trying to imply) was that you don't just gawp at engine size or other specs, and that you do take it for a ride. The only difference is that you can't change drivers, but the principal is the same; don't brag about what it can do, show what it can do; actions speak louder than words; other such buzz-phrases. Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  10. I haven't - and that's not a lie! Why, might you ask? Well, when you wanna know how good a car is, do you spend ages looking at the manual and gawping at the size of you engine, or do you take it for a ride and see what you can do with the thing? Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  11. Some of you out there might find this very amusing, but when I first heard of a Jesus String, I was convinced it was just another skydiving myth or an urban legend! That in itself may sound ridiculous to some of you, but not half as rediculous as the concept of having such a device on your container did to me! Anyway, I was wondering if one of these things did actually save anybodies life at any point. I don't suppose anybody has a picture of one on a rig, per chance? Oh, and much, MUCH respect to those of you who were jumping in the days of old, before the 3-ring, the RSL, etc.; You guys really were made of steel! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  12. What about when you consider the type of malfunction? If we're talking about malfunctions on reserves then surely we should discount malfunctions such as severe line-twists on small mains that are a direct result of a canopy being elliptical/high performance as this is much less likely (although I'm not sure how much less likely) to cause a malfunction on a reserve? Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  13. Heh, heh, heh! Well, if she doesn't use it, it'll just heal up! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  14. I believe we have free will. However, this is my belief, and I have to say it is a little annoying when people make "I'm right, everything else is wrong" statements like these. This is supposed to be a discussion! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)
  15. You rock! I'll probably never get to claim that jump but it's the thought that counts - thanks, man! I'll come bug you for it if I ever take a wrong turn anywhere in the UK and accidentally end up in the US! Durham University Freefall Club Grounds For Divorce website (band I'm in)