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Everything posted by Joolee

  1. Hi everyone, I have my last ever exam at University this afternoon...after four years, millions of essays and exams I will finally be cut loose from education...have to get a job before things are rosy though. I want to express my appreciation of St. Andrews University for having a Parachute Club and enabling me to do my first is the only thing I appreciate about it mind you... Anyway I want to invite you all to have a beer for me at the weekend...hopefully the weather will be as gorgeous as it is right now and I can laugh at the whole experience while I 'm tumbling through the sky...
  2. First your eyes. Some people don't realise that they have their eyes shut when they exit. I found my first freefall very similar to my Dummy pull SL jumps but with a couple of extra seconds before the parachute opened. Awareness is something that you gain gradually. All you need to have clear in your mind is doing a good exit, deploy, and know your emergency procedures in case of a problem. Also tell your instructor the concerns you have...they are the best people to answer any questions/concerns. When you receive the training, all of your questions will most likely be answered anyway...good luck and have fun!!!
  3. I'm one of those people...hadn't jumped from higher than 10,000ft until after I had my cat 8 (A license) - I like the SL progression system. Did most of you do AFF then? Joolee
  4. I agree with Geoff...considering it was probably the student's first comparitively low jump, the most important thing for them to do is pull. A seated student exit decreases the chance of the student being widly unstable...this is the way that 1st time static line jumpers are despatched after all. Joolee
  5. Hi Zennie, I think everything came together for me on my 40th first completely deliberately unstable jump with my boyfriend and then having to put my reserve procedures into action because I couldn't find the toggle at pull time... My 50th was exciting because I knew I could get another BPA certificate to put on my wall and show my friends
  6. Like the picture Skreamer...would put an end to jumping if we were all that fat though...hee hee hee Joolee
  7. Joolee


    uuuurrrmmmm...I'll think about it. I'm not sure whether I want to stare at a naked/half naked wingnut either . And I think my boyfriend would want to shield me from onlookers anyway. But like I say I'll give it some thought . Oh and I don't think Skreamer would be up for driving the 350 miles up to Scotland to drop you off either...hee hee When in August's your birthday? Mine's the 16th. Does anyone know what day that is? (ie whether it's during a weekend?) Joolee
  8. Quite sad really I know...makes me feel like i've achieved something today though. Does this mean that people think I have something of interest to say now? Or that I've posted too much pish? (I think it's the latter but never mind...) Better get back to revision, Joolee
  9. Joolee


    Emma, I'm not the ONLY girl at the DZ...just the only one who would do a buff jump I think. The main thing to put me off I think is the prospect of being perved over...oh and landing off Argh... Maybe one day though...on a hot sunny day - my birthday's in mid-August...could do it then. Would like to do a jump in fancy dress as well...that could be a laugh without the embarssment. Joolee
  10. Have a good weekend...I hope a big hole in the clouds appears above UNION LINZ for you. Joolee
  11. Thanks for the translation Joolee
  12. Joolee


    Hi Emma, As far as i've been aware Skygod = Wanker. I have heard other people talk about in a positive way but I find terms like that very pretentious...after all no-one's invinsible. Joolee
  13. Hi harro, Think of me on Saturday...while everyone I know will be jumping, I'll be sat for three hours in an exam hall Joolee
  14. Joolee


    I like the idea of a buff jump/underwear jump as well...think I might be up for it except I'd be the only girly at my DZ to do it! Don't like the idea of standing in manifest getting checked out though (...I get enough cheeky comments with my clothes on!)
  15. Sangiro, Any chance of getting your reply in English...???? Joolee
  16. Hi Ben, I knew someone would pick me up on the fact that I used the word rely. What I meant is that I am aware that an audible alti in my helmet would not be effected by sit flying whereas my chest alti might. If I waited till I saw people tracking off on the last few jumps I fear I would not be here to tell the tale...have only done solos recently...hee hee hee. And I do look at the ground as a gauge of height but I'd probably end up pulling abvove 5,000ft if I relied on that (...sorry, I'm feeling a bit cheeky at the mo ). Thanks for your 0.5 pence...i'll put it in a jar and save it up for a cup of tea at the DZ... Joolee
  17. Hi Viking, Good luck for your training...what training are you doing? Joolee
  18. Joolee


    Hi Ben, I was cracking up a bit yesterday...hence the Joolee Poolee Doolee stuff...hee hee I am going to revise now....will be back later though, Erogenous here I come... Poolee
  19. Thanks for all your advice...I will start wearing a wrist mount ASAP - until then I'll rely more on my audible. Joolee p.s (for Dutchboy) In the UK it is a requirement for freeflyers to have an audible altimeter.
  20. Joolee


    Hi, Thanks for the encouragement...I will revise today even if it kills me... Joolee
  21. Zennie... I'm English so I can't personally say...but I believe my boyfriend, under his freefly trousers was fully equipped with his Tazmanian devil pants!!!! Joolee
  22. Joolee


    Hi Gus, I don't know how long you have been jumping, but I've only been jumping for two years and I don't know what I used to do at weekends before - get depressed I think. I do appreciate what a great thing I have in my life but sometimes when there's no sunshine outside, or no-one to talk to about jumping, reality hits home a little. On a positive note - I can look around this depressing 60's library at a bunch of people who can't say..."f**k work i'm going jumping...hee hee hee
  23. Joolee


    Hi BenW, I've got an exam on the Greek historian Erogenous....urrr I mean Herodotus and I've done no revision so far. I just fancy going home and putting my feet up. I spent all day yesterday hacking off the bottoms of jeans/combats I don't wear normally so i can wear them for jumping in summer...My problem is that I lack motivation - got any going spare? Joolee Poolee
  24. Joolee


    Hi BenW, I've never met Skreamer, WingFairy and Huffermoose, so you won't really be doing me a favour...but thanks for trying anyway! Joolee
  25. Hi Gus, Good luck in your exams too! Maybe I'll see you at Strathallan in August... Joolee