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Everything posted by chadkal

  1. no those of us who do some reaserch realise that there are many things that have crossed over from other beleifs. This is true of any culture. The tree came from a pagan ritual. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  2. yes it is -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  3. why would you get so upset???????????? How is this a degrading post??????????? I in no way posted this to offend anyone, And I don't care if you celebrate Christmas or not. Nor in anyway do I feel like someone else who does celebrate without belief is degrading what I celebrate. So there is nothing to "get over" as you put it. I am just asking the question to find out why you would celebrate that which you don't believe in.................seriously, nothing to get upset about. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  4. Okay, I was just wondering,................why would anyone who is not a christian celebrate the birth of Jesus. NO matter how you look at it or how commercial you make it or how much secular bs you try and add to it. Christmas is still the celebration of the birth of Christ my savior. I just find it odd that others who do not believe would participate in such a holiday. Kind of like people who are not Jewish celebrating Hanukkah -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  5. I live each day, one day at a time, knowing that God will provide for my needs. I don't always know how, and sometimes think that I may lose everything that I do have,...but God has always provided for me, through the oportunities that get placed before me at just the right time, and sometimes the generosity of others. I am not saying that it is easy. Sometimes it it very hard to know, I pay my elec. bill or help someone else. If I help someone else, where will the money come from to keep my elec. turned on. When it comes down to it though God has always met my needs, and I am able to continue to give to others. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  6. Yes, for the whole world,......although some people are hard to love,..........does not change the fact that I would go without to provide for them. And as for where my income goes, goes to anybody that I see that is in need. I would give the shirt off of my back,....even if it was the last that I had if I thought that it would benefit others -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  7. I would have to answer...............YES -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  8. okay ignore the comments from windcatcher, cause the rest of us can see and we can tell,...............there is nothing plain about Sarah,.......she is absolutely beautiful even if she does refuse to see it. As for everyone else out there,.....................................hahahahahaha. You all just get to see pictures,..............I get her in real life. What can I say,......I am a very blessed man. Congrats on your 100th Sarah, I Love You -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  9. I live in Ar., and I was told by a Judge that under no circumstances would joint custody ever be granted here, and that unless a mother was proven to be unfit, then there is no way that I would get custody. I have known others who have heard this same story. It may not be written as law, ( I don't know ) but it may as well be if that's what judges are saying.
  10. no offence taken,.............I have been called alot worse -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  11. why won't tit work on my computer,.....I want to listen tooo. anyway, as long as I don't teach her to swoop,... she will be doing great at the swoop comp. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  12. Wow,.......this will be good,..........I don't have time to answer this right now, but I do lok forwardto coming back to this and posting my answer. Please wait on adding new questions till I have time to fully answer these. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  13. Happy Birthday Sarah, I hope that you have a wonderful day, you have truely been a bleesing in my life, and I hope that on this special day of yours, that you will feel as special and blessed as you have made me feel. I Love You, Chad -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  14. chadkal

    dz toys

    no, I am not tired now, but you are my favorite toy!!!!
  15. chadkal

    dz toys

    People play with me!~ ( and I don't mean in a perverse manner, perverts! ) my favorite toy
  16. I have a blue pilot chute that I noticed to feel sticky when I got it. However I an not sure if it is from apex or not, I bought it from a friend of mine. He bought it brand new and only used it once. If you watch the bridge day highlights from last year, this would be the pc in tow jump. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  17. I see you -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  18. sarah, you are the most beautiful, sweet girl I've ever met. If you quit jumping, who is going to sitfly with me? -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  19. no need to thank me,.....................everything that I have done for you was my pleasure. I hope that I have been able to bring some joy to your life. You have truely blessed my life. I will always love you Chad p.s. I am going to miss you -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  20. chadkal


    no she really is a girl,...................she can't deny it -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  21. yes the incredibly beautiful windcatcher received her A license yesterday. I am so proud of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is also turning into quite the wonderful freeflyer. Sitflying with windcatcher is so much fun. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  22. Tom, I have 5 control lines and have been jumping only slider down. All jumps here are between 200 and 400 ft. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  23. I have an mdv troll, this canopy is also hard to stand up with no wind, it just seems to run out of flare long before I have stoped. I have actually flaredas far down as I could, then grabed both toggles in one hand, and reached back up for a handful of lines to flare some more. But with a little bit of wind it lands great -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  24. I fortunately have never witnessed a skydiving fatelity, but I have witnessed death on many occasions, and I can promise you that there is nothing that you want to see. I don't wish the things that I have seen on anyone. As far as seeing a hard impact, I have witness this many times and there is nothing entertaining about it. I have also been the guy who had the hard impact. It has been 8 weeks since my impact, and I feel very fortunate to be alive. I hope that in the next month I will be able to walk again. Unfortunately these things do happen in this sport, but nobody should ever have to witness it. It will be an image that will be burned into your mind and you will never forget. I promise you this is not what you want -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  25. what kind of cookies did you want -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget