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Everything posted by chadkal

  1. I still don't see how this has anything to do with civil rights -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  2. What does sexual orientation have to do with getting a drivers license? All I said was that there are requirements for both, if you can not meet those requirements then you don't get a license. If you can't meet the requirements you don't change the requirements,... If a person needs to wear glasses in order to see, then they have to wear them to get a drivers license. You don't change the rules. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  3. There is no right to get married for anyone, it is a privilege just like driving. If you meet the requirements to drive, you get a license and you are granted permission to drive. Same with marriage,... If you meet the requirements to be married you can get a license and you are granted permission to marry. no difference, this is equal for everyone. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  4. what right are you refering to? -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  5. Not sure what this has to do with anything, but definately not christian like -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  6. It's nice to see that someone else understands what started this country, what it is based on, and what has made it great. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  7. This is simply not true,.... read the above post, this country was not bornin a rebellion against a christian gov. It was born to have the freedom to have religion. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  8. I am not trying to prove anything, just backing up my statement that religion and gov have always been mixed from the start of this country. No matter if you like it or not doesn't change the facts. Facts are: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. You might recognize these words, I think this is what started our country. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  9. what you fail to mention is that the line in God we trust came from the last line in the Star Spangled Banner. And that the mention of God in the pledge comes from Lincolns Gettysburg address. You still have not addressed the declaration. Would you like for me to site more exampes of religion mixed in gov. Fact is they have always been mixed. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  10. Try reading the declaration of idependece or maybe the pledge of allegiance how about the phrase In God we trust. did all of this happen after the 50's -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  11. That depends,.... I have been married before, 3 of my kids from a previous marriage. I would rather not discuss all of my personal life on here with folks I don't know. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  12. politics and religion have always been mixed in this country -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  13. I am married and have 4 kids -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  14. I am only telling you what I believe,... Like I said earlier,...I neither condone, or condemn the beliefs of others. I am only posting my opinion -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  15. sex outside of marriage is immoral. no matter how you look at it be it homosexual or heterosexual makes no difference. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  16. I really don't see how it can be anything other than an issue of morality -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  17. I believe that acting out on any homosexual thoughts are wrong, and as far as sex I believe that anything outside of marriage is wrong. This is just my opinion and while I don't condone sexual activity outside of marriage, neither do I condemn it for others. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  18. fixed it for you -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  19. I never expected it to get better,.... I think it will get much worse. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  20. It wasn't meant to be an analogy, I was trying to find out where others would draw the line of right and wrong -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  21. Do you feel that I have danced around the issue? -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  22. absloutely,... does this suprise you Steve -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  23. I am not trying to play anything. I am stating as I have all along, and you have been to close minded to be able to understand what has been pretty simple to figure out -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  24. And I have stated repetedly why I brought it up. Maybe you should go back and reread my posts, anybody with some rational sense could understand. There was no comparison. There was an illustaration of drawing the line of right and wrong. For some it may be cussing for others screwing dad animals, but there is a line somewhere for each of us. -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget
  25. It was quade who can not read well enough to understand that there was no comparison -------------------------------------------------- I am a greek midget