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Everything posted by freeflychris

  1. This cute little animal really exists! Unbelievable but true. It's called a Naked Mole-rat from Africa. Going through life is hard enough, but to go through life looking like a dick with teeth must be horrible!
  2. I want to get a monkey to pack for me. that would be nice and cheap.
  3. What is your fav black joke??
  4. I was wondering when buying a canopy outside the us whats the best way to handle payment. They want to use a swiss account. is there any other way you guys would recomened. Thanks for your help.
  5. Nope she bought it for me because she came into some money and I needed a car. She also bought me a base rig last month. So I am pretty happy right now.
  6. Not only do I piss in the shower but I will take a shit then just hop in the shower to rinse my ass off.
  7. Just wondering if anyone was ever paid for sex.
  8. Second is Fucking hot as hell..
  9. At least the thefts of golf carts will be down in 07.
  10. i'm so drink i dont know wahts going ojn
  11. How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood??
  12. I was just wondering if anyone has ever rubed one out while on the clock at work.
  13. After seeing the 3rd girl I think i'm going to go and get me a glass of milk...
  14. The cheapest shit I can find.