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  1. I am wondering if people still do their first jumps via IAD: stepping out of the plane, hold on to wing bracket and let go when instructor nods and motions you to let go. Reason for asking is that I heard that Tendam or AFF is the way to go nowadays...unless my ignorance (ground air ) is getting to me. hmmmmm
  2. Hello all. Just have'nt been around much lately on this site, but still a fan of skydiving, big time! Cannot forget that 1st jump and still pumping about it. Take care and have fun jumping.
  3. Making plans to go south this summer. Finally landed work that can pay my way... Sort of. But I need so many exciting stories everywhere.I need to know from the experienced, which dz can I pop in on and start my aff. I was thinking chicago and I am from bc, canada.
  4. In the dog house tonite!!! Got caught writing this out, yeah!, just like stepping in the plane for the first jump. Ya hooooooo!
  5. I think if it was love at first sight, great! But more often than enough, beer and more beer makes you love anything. Or maybe you just jive together as humans and not necessarily made for each other 24/7.But again, what do I know, been married for 12 years now!!!LOL
  6. Well somebody's gotta do what we do on our jobs right? I think I am crazy to think about my job 24/7 as well, but heck, I also think about the next chance of jumping out a perfect flying airplane, what gives.
  7. Way cool man. Doing better than someone I Damn it's cold up here, guess that means no skydiving while naked. Anyhow. You're doing good! Keep on Jumping and enjoy...damn! You folks down south got it made. Up here in bc, canada, central interior, SNOW.ICE.SLEET... Back to my studies...damn!!!
  8. Man! That sounds so great! But being new and have only one IAD solo,sounds like I should not rush into it to fast or else. But my chemicals are just brewing out of whack man! ONE DAY man. ONE DAY. I am saving up, working like grit, and having patience while I am hearing all these great stories. Man! ONE DAY man...
  9. I have a similar pic and tried to resize to fit into the profile also, i will keep trying. hey nice pic
  10. I am really new at this, especially with gear and stuff. At this point I am focusing on making more jumps but I would like to learn about all aspects of the gear and esp. safety. Where can I start looking, is there a website with pics, cause I am a visual type and would like to start investing in some gear. thanks for the help
  11. Right on!! Ryan. My adrenlin is stilling pumping thinking about my first jump(IAD) on June 29,2003. Mine took place in Prince George , Britiish Columbia,Cananda. Wanting to do it again, but plans, work etc..does not show at this time. congrats man!!!!
  12. Gotcha! You're right on the money on that! The great crew that I was with and to thank is BARRY the big boss, CRAIG..the JM and the other cool JM the pilot. Of course the ground crew looking out for us and they numbered about 4. Really cool group of guys and gal(the brain and coordinator of paperwork).Thanks for the reminder, without these people I wouldn't have went on my thrilling adventure.