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Everything posted by genoyamamoto

  1. You want some? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  2. That just means she needs to bring beer. You don't pie someone for a Birthday unless it's their 100th Birthday. Duh. And their first birthday too. Can't give them 1 year olds any slack. Hmm... my niece just had her first b-day, BEER!
  3. Would this be the first time you're gonna pie her? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  4. Do you want me to bring some HOT weenies? (Louisiana style) They're average size though, so if you have the size thing going on, you might not be interested. Looks like there'll at least be a pale dutch weenie at byron this weekend. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  5. Happy birtday-eve! Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  6. Wow I didn't know that rabbits were so easy. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  7. Don't worry, that's just your natural survival instinct kicking in. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  8. No chicken, just a turtle and a pink rabbit here... What, now you will say the Easter Bunny don't Lay No Eggs? I know the Cadbury Bunny Does! Lol Turtle But you blew the pink bunny up! All i can crawl into now is a rabbit head. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  9. Heal fast sunny! Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  10. No chicken, just a turtle and a pink rabbit here... Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  11. How the hell would I know? I didn't know those freaks. I just heard about that "performance piece". (shudder) Hahaha I thought you went to school with them so I figured they were your buddies. My bad. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  12. OK, I kid you not, but I went to this famous art college where one girl's performance art project was "shitting into a guy's mouth". I think that he used Saran Wrap in his mouth or something. Either way, it just cannot be too sanitary. EWWWWWW! Well did he get laid after that? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  13. too bad you aint saying much... Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  14. Whaaat?!? When did you stop needing short ugly guy lovin? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  15. hahahaha... who say's you don't have to? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  16. Holy holios batman! Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  17. PUB madness! Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  18. Huh? I'm not sure why that is making you blush... I didn't want to offend you with my post... Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  19. Once I get laid staying laid is not a problem. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  20. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  21. sorry... Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  22. Like this? Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  23. 24.70 f/2.8 L. Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here
  24. Bastard! Just wait 'till the turtle game comes up... Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me Feel the hate... Photos here