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Everything posted by frost

  1. It's the adrenaline!! That thing is powerful as hell! But the effects ware out. Let me ask you this: Does anyone feel the same: I remember on my AFF I jumped 4 times on my first day and I was EXHAUSTED!! Around 40-50 jumps I would be tired after a 7-jump day. But after about 90-100 jumps the rush was not there anymore? I mean it's still fun and I love doing it, it's actually better if you're learning something and your head is cool while our doing it, but except for the weekend-opener jump you're really dont feel as excited as you used to? Or is it just me?
  2. Cool, man! Dont forget to get your buddies' signatures- if you did at least 2 points on that dive- it's a requirement for D license. And you can get a Falcon award. (or is it Eagle?) Anyway, you need to have both for the "D"
  3. It doesnt seem possible! A jump every 3 minutes! He must have had 2 planes and more then 2 rigs, eh? Hop and pops from 1000 feet? Talk about chasing jumps!
  4. frost

    Rhetorical ?

    I am at work. Am I working?
  5. frost

    BAD NEWS!!!

    ----------------------------------------------------------- The lesson here may not be to say "why don't people pull, I would be doing everything I could!", but rather, "If this happened to me, would I be able to locate the right handle?" ----------------------------------------------------------- That’s right. You never know how you will react in a stress situation so saying “I would never do this or I will always do that” is really just a foolish statement. If you do what you’re supposed to do during a high stress malfunction when it really happens to you and save yourself then you learned your emergency procedures well. I personally touch my handles when I put my rig on and about 3 times right before I am about to get to the door. And then I ask my brain not to fart. Truly sorry to hear about the accident…
  6. Absolutely. I didnt start "feeling" the air until my 60s or 70s. Then on one jump it kinda just made sense and I felt my legs and the whole body working together. It was a good feeling, too. It just all fell together, you know?
  7. Welcome to the sky. When you graduate come over to the other side and say hi. Get Nickie to show you around, she is the best.
  8. Ah! Stop crying ya big baby. The weekend is almost here. S.T.ripper (you know I dont like it!)
  9. frost

    fat mama jokes

    Yo mama is so fat when I am on top of her I need an oxygen mask Yo mama is so fat when she she bounced in AZ she left the Meteor Crater
  10. frost

    fat mama jokes

    hey just thought of these ones: 1 Yo mama is so fat she uses a tandem rig for swooping. 2 Yo mama is so fat she flies a tandem rig like my stiletto 3 Yo mama is so fat she loads a tandem rig at 2 to 1. Solo.