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Everything posted by drewboo

  1. Sally's OK if ya wear a condom!
  2. Drewboo shows up with some green bottles!
  3. More pussifacation of the american male!
  4. I have to go with the MONEY theme. You may have a girl say be "dashing, adventurous, exciting..yadda..yadda..yadda ....its all done with MONEY. Exciting is the trip to Hawaii ..you pay for....adventurous is the trip..you pay for..or the helicopter ride...you pay for....it's always about having the bucks.
  5. Had to go with Tara..but my heart belongs to BROOKE BURKE.
  6. Wow!! Im glad im on level two...some hot skydivers and some HOT skydiving ladies!! Im READY!!
  7. Level 2 Forever blown around by the winds of Lust.. maybe it'll be like skydiving
  9. Thanks guys...and the site Ivan recomended actually had a answer listed to "Why your phone works when the power goes off." You are all right on...generators and a massive battery supply...Thanks!!
  10. Im in upstate N.Y. just suffered through the power outage...but cant figure out why my phone worked through the whole thing...the type that plugs into a jack in the wall..and has a cord from the handset to the cradle part....doesn't it take electricity of some form to make this work....ring the bell..make the dial tone...something? everybody i asked said "I don't know." one person tried to explain it to me using the old two cans and a string story...but i couldn't get it on the massive scale of our phone system......anybody? MR WIZARD!!!
  11. I was plugging in my life sized Pam Anderson vibrating doll..when BOOM everything went dark!! Im sorry..forgive me please.
  12. Txblondie!!! Oh my GAWD...a sensible member of the opposite sex..your wonderful..and i like your pic...please dont report me!
  13. I totally believe it....i work for the P.O...we are not allowed to comment on a womans new hairdoo, her clothes or basically even say hello. If she complains that so and so said hello to her..the guys in big trouble. I havn't heard a figure for how long we are allowed to look at them yet...but its probably up to her discretion...all they have to do is say..."It made me uncomfortable". Idon't know why they say men run the country.
  14. BLOW ME! a kiss while your leavvving....BLOW ME! like you used to do befooorrrre.....a kiss as your walking out the dooooorrrrrrrrr Do i LOOK like a freakin people person!
  15. drewboo

    Life Choice

    It's a tough choice..only you can decided. Im 54 yrs old, two years out of your life isn't a lot...will you be allowed to fly home for a vacation..or do you have stay for a continuous period? Im thinking if i were you...id stay. You know London better than I, but a friend of mine had a job there for a year..the weather was so bad, she could hardly ever jump..found it pretty much a drag. Did a few years in the army..i didn't have a choice as to where they told me to live...i did the time...it don't mean a thing now. Stay.
  16. Do lunch ladies job for a week..everyday...saqme duties. get up when she has to get up..carry what she has to carry..deal with who she has to deal with....THAN...give her advice on her job.
  17. Landed on a barb-wire fence once...an...oh..never mind
  18. If i remember correctly the, back during the competion between the solviet union and the USA...the russians built it 3' longer, needlessly just to be larger than the American C5A
  19. Now they are all gonna want a 4 million dollar ring. Dam! i just spent a million on helping the elderly, on fixed incomes, to stay in in thier houses in the face of new taxes. a million on feeding the starving people of the world a million on enviomental concerns and a million on health care for the poor who can't afford it. now i need another 4 mill. in case i ever find a woman who loves me for who i am. god bless
  20. Crazy Ivan!! expected more..but than realized the humor is in the fact it wasn't!
  21. Me: Old crocidile of a skydiver..wrinkled, balding,only wear glassers to see..c'ant hear very well. Thousands of jumps..1 nationals medal(silver). Baggage free. Employed. Own a home on two acres of land,1 1/2 miles from active DZ. Yours if i bounce first. Seeking female skydiver for snuggling and more! You: Formation skydiving skills a plus..hair on your head..average to slightly busty figure...able to micro-wave a meal. OK sports..guys and girls..lets share the love...use your wits and post your ad. For some reason Crazy Ivans bizzare humor cracks me up so i hope he can handle posting one of these Pull all handles before impact!!
  22. Did he drop it on your side of the shower? may be a hint here..
  23. I have to plead ignorance on my own thread.. i don't hook..i don't know how..i never will..i no nothing about them... so let me politely ask...after a brief sentence here...if a person were to choose to open at say 1500'..he has what 8 to ten seconds to react and save his butt... what is the lowest you can salvage a bad hook turn by time you realize its crap and you've messed up badly.. how many seconds of reaction time do you have? believe me..its just total curiosty on my part...as far as im concerned keep swooping
  24. Off the top of my head(along with most of my hair) Comparisons 1. Both create a rush 2. Both push the envelope 3. Both can be deadly Differences 1.One is legal 2. one is not