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Everything posted by pajarito

  1. No. Your belief or disbelief in God has nothing to do with the reality of the existence of God and His standard of right and wrong. I know you don't believe there are consequences for your actions but I am just making you aware of what God says. Scripture says that "All liars will have their part in the lake of fire" and "lying lips are an abomination to the Lord."
  2. Actually, I don't think your conscience is activated by self-interest. I think it first must be "activated" by God. Then we either act on it or not. It can be a very valuable tool which might eventually save your life, if you listen to it. God places the knowledge of right and wrong within us all. However, that doesn't necessarily lead to a changed person/nature or that person making the right decisions. Your conscience is kind of like a smoke detector. Some people have suppressed the truth for so long that they have become desensitized and things trouble them less and less. They become more tolerant of deviant behavior, enjoy it, and participate in it more and more. Their battery is getting weaker and weaker as time goes on. Others either have a dead battery or they have removed it altogether and their conscience no longer informs them of danger. They just wallow in their immorality throughout their lives and die (thinking there are no consequences for their thoughts/actions). On the other hand, the smoke detector/conscience should inform you of danger (right/wrong) but you still must have the will to listen to it and take action. Get out of the burning house. Don’t just sit in it and die.
  3. Have you told lies? Did you know it was wrong when you told them? Did you do it anyway? It's unbelievable how hard it is to get people to answer simple questions of the conscience. Especially, when they supposedly don't believe any of it anyway. On the other hand, I suspect that you are like the rest of us and know right from wrong. In that case, you are aware of the consequences for your actions, right? I just think it's good to at least face death aware and not be surprised.
  4. If there isn't any consequence, then why do you skirt around the answer? Have you lied? Did you know it was wrong? Did you do it anyway? That is but one in a massive list of infractions that you've incurred over the course of your life (if you're like the rest of us). How are you planning to account for all that when you die? You can "not believe" in dying also but your disbelief will not elliminate the reality that it's going to happen. Your conscience should be alarmed.
  5. Proper lies. I mean straightforward deceitful lies. Not taking away from the wrongful nature of any lie but just cutting to the chase. You've told those sometime in your life right? Like everybody else? If so, did you know it was wrong? Did you do it anyway knowing it was wrong?
  6. You don't believe lying is wrong?
  7. Doesn't the existence of a painting prove that there was a painter or could the Mona Lisa "just happen?" If you believe it could, then I am truly amazed that it "works for you." That is some serious faith.
  8. Have you ever lied? Did you know it was wrong to lie when you did it? The bible says that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. There are consequences for our thoughts/actions. Your conscience should be your evidence unless you're continuing to lie or it has become so desensitized that you just don't care who you hurt. And lying is but one of your infractions to which you will have to give an account. What's your plan?
  9. The One True God. “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Deuteronomy 6:4-5
  10. Lots of people are "doing fine" in this life without God. The Gospel message is not primarily about life enhancement. It's about righteousness. You may in fact be enjoying life to the fullest but you are not in a right standing with God. You can suppress that truth now but, in the end, you will have to face it.
  11. It really goes back to the total depravity of man following the fall. Man was in fact created with free will because God desired a relationship with his creatures. Freedom to obey must also include freedom to disobey or else it is not freedom. The problem is, after man brought sin into the world through disobedience, he/she is no longer “free to obey” (in the Godly sense). Sin affected man’s nature so radically that he cannot help but “choose” that which is contrary to the will of God. Nothing he does can be pleasing to a thrice holy God. It’s not possible. The standard is too high and he has fallen too far. As Paul Washer has said, “It’s not that you’ve sinned. It’s that you’ve never done anything but sin.” The condition is much more serious than even most Christians make it out to be. God doesn’t cause you to sin. You are an independent moral agent responsible for your own thoughts/actions. However, God will allow you to act in accordance with the greatest desires of your heart…out of your own “radically depraved” free will. A man will act in this way because it is in his nature. That is, unless God intervenes and changes the nature of that man. If that is the case, then it is possible for fallen man to be pleasing in the sight of God….not in and of himself…but in Christ. He is not righteous….but Christ is….and Christ is his representative. That is the starting point….justification…through faith in Christ…which is demonstrated (but not achieved)…by repentance. If a man is saved, changed, transformed in this manner by God, then he is a new creature in Christ….with new desires (to please God)…and a new direction in life. He is now free to obey God in a way that can be pleasing to Him. That doesn’t mean that he always does so…but that moves the conversation away from justification and into sanctification. Keep the horse before the cart.
  12. You have broken the second of the ten commandments by creating a god in your own image. None of what you just mentioned describes the God of the Bible. On the other hand, it does demonstrate a gross misunderstanding of the nature of sin and God's justice.
  13. Who do you think wrote the Bible? A group of Rabbi's took and put together a bunch of stories and writings and made the Old Testament then the Catholic Church added the New Testament. What exactly did they supposedly change and where is your evidence for that?
  14. It doesn't to those who are perishing in their own sin.
  15. Yes. I believe these accounts and there is evidence to back them. I agree. But that does not apply in this case.
  16. In a sense but not really. This requires an understanding of the Trinity. There is only one God who has shown himself to exist in three distinct persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
  17. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul all confirm what Jesus said. He didn’t. No mortal person can see the face of God and live. He is too holy. God shielded Moses in the cleft of a rock and let his glory pass by him. Even that took quite a toll on Moses. He did in the person of Jesus Christ.
  18. A painting is empirical evidence that there was a painter. A building is evidence that there was a builder. The irreducible complexity of Creation is 100% proof that there was a Creator. It doesn't take religion or faith to see that. Just eyes that can see and a brain that works.
  19. I think the following quote sums up the name of the game.