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Everything posted by freeflybella

  1. Lovely! One stereotype debunked. Shall we move on? Come on, someone throw one out...
  2. SHIT! I can't believe I missed it! I was watching The Real World Philadelphia (yeah, another shining gem). And I know who one of the TMs was...(other than Cajones and Lewmonst) Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  3. ?? If kids are wearing gang colors, they are associating themselves with a gang. That's not a stereotype. "All kids wearing blue are crips", that's a stereotype. Some kid who puts on blue to try to look like a gangster isn't purposely promoting a stereotype - he's posing. "All soccer moms have mini-vans" is a stereotype (that may or may not be true.) But I doubt soccer moms buy mini-vans to establish their identity. Soccer moms more likely buy mini-vans because they have lots kids to haul around. Bikers wear colors to establish themselves as part of a group. That's not a stereotype. "All bikers wear 'colors'" is a stereotype. Stereotypes are unproven, and untrue as spoken, and lazy. Sometimes they're innocuous and funny - mostly they are not. We all do it. A thought will pass through our minds because of a perception. The difference is when you stop there. Or when you pass off that thought as fact. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  4. I think stereotypes are common, too. I think they are an easy way out when it comes to actually putting thought toward something - whether it's used in a hurtful way (poor people are lazy) or a joking way (white men can't dance). Stereotypes can be a humorous common denominator when making a joke but more often than not they are used as dehumanizing and/or dismissive generalizations. (The stereotype of a stereotype, if you will.) Also, I disagree that the onus of changing a stereotype falls on the shoulders of the stereotyped. If no one used stereotypes, there wouldn't be any. Not one person alive knows all the blonde people, all the black people, all the gay people, all the rich people, all the... Therefore, not a single stereotype is true that is uttered from anyone's mouth. Regarding the context of your question, I think when you're discussing a minority that is fighting for equality - a bit more care should be exercised. love ya tree. ya tall bastard. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  5. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  6. Agreed. There could be more compassion and understanding all around. Coming from a position of love and compassion will always be more fruitful. Yelling at an angry person only makes them feel justified in their anger. While opponents of gay rights should be forgiven for their fear and ignorance, gay activists should be forgiven for their indignation.
  7. It's silly really for me to speculate. You're right, I don't know you and I'm only playing devil's advocate. But you asked me what I thought: He was your best friend. You guys got drunk. When you were alone, he hit on you. Your reaction confirmed what he was afraid of and wanted to take the whole thing back - and hoped you would understand. There is a majority/minority thing that comes into play here. It happens with Men/Women, with Whites/Blacks, and with Straight/Gay. I think, but I'm not sure, that it has to do with one group wanting to deny rights to the other group. And not the other way around. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  8. Did you talk to him and find out his motives or intentions? Or had you seen one too many after-school specials? I know that sounded snarky but there really is a difference. It makes me mad when people throw 'predator' around in discussions about homosexuality. When people are caught off guard, and their world is shaken (as yours was when your best friend hit on you) - it's easy to feel 'preyed' upon. Obviously I can't speak for your friend - you know knew him. Maybe he was one of those pedophile (read:not gay)/predator/church dudes in the making. Or maybe he was your gay best friend and made an error in judgment. I see that encounter had a big affect on your views of gays. Maybe you should make an effort to have a few positive encounters before closing your mind? Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  9. Well, that's not really fair. Those going as Puppets will swing the sales. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  10. I don't mean to interpret for Ron (and Ron, correct me if I'm wrong because this is a very big distinction) but I don't think Ron said the guy was 'his' youth counselor. If he wasn't, no harm in my mind. Youth counselors date like everyone else. If Ron and he were 'best friends' and the guy just happened to be a youth counselor - no biggie. If he was such a good guy - good enough to be best friends with Ron, good enough to be a youth counselor - I bet it killed him to have to keep such a secret. I'd bet every time he counseled someone to be who they are and be the best they can and not to be ashamed and to be honest - it hurt him. People do dumb things when intoxicated. He wrongly chose that moment to come out to Ron. It's called lowered inhibitions. Like Wendy said, predators come in all flavors. But so do friends. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  11. Too bad you can't realize the world doesn't revolve around you. Friendship is bigger than one person. But it seems that yours exist only on your terms. If you are willing to lose 2 good friends over this it doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't support gay rights. It also makes me doubt you have actually had meaningful open dialogue about homosexuality with any homosexual people you respect. I'm not attacking you, Ron. 'You' are kind of a generalization. I've had similar conversations with my dad. But I really meant it when I said I thought it was too bad you left those friendships. I would have thought they were something to cherish. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  12. OK, the Inters: 1. Christian Hartwigsen 2. Kurt Swanson 3. Chris Johnston 4. Gary Gregory/Ray Dutch (tie) 6. Gregory Compton 7. Brian McNenney 8. Jace Ramsey 9. Ryan Brownlow 10. MarK McColgan* 10. William Charman CONGRATS everyone! (Nice one, RDutch!!!) Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  13. Too bad you lost two good friends due to your lack of compassion and forgiveness/understanding. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  14. And I should have the Intermediate scores in a few... (Omniskore had Inter speed and distance but no updates past those.) In the meantime, here are the Open Freestyle and Team Speed scores: Freestyle 1. Andy 2. Shannon 3. Jeffro Jay* Team Speed 1. Ian/Shannon 2. Heath/Jay 3. Clint/Tagle *Judging error just found - Jay is 3rd. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  15. As far as we know, Heath is out. No mention has been made of extending an bid based on his place last year. Hey! Let's start a petition! Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  16. Much as I like you Tree, what a yucky thing to say. Imagine if you lived in a predominantly gay world. One where heterosexuality was misunderstood and despised by many if not most. You couldn't approach a woman at the grocery store because most likely she is gay and might verbally (or physically) attack you. You couldn't approach women at the library, have your parents fix you up, meet women on the bus or at church or anywhere... You would be 'forced' to look for dates in places where you knew your chances are better. Organizations, clubs, bars, etc. that catered to straight people. And what if you hated the straight singles bar scene - where would you find love? Where would you find love? To say that gays cruise parks and alleys is a mean, mean generalization. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  17. I'm SORRY! I didn't get the Inters. Wait...weren't you there? Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  18. Thank you! (Speaker's Corner type rant coming) Who belittles something or someone because they don't understand it? Is it out of fear? Do these people have to feel they have handle on everything in order to feel safe or smart? Frankly I'm more afraid of people who aren't open to different or new things and alternate ways of looking at the world. After all, if you have such a limited view -what happens when that view doesn't work anymore? Who calls a nobel laureate stupid and denegrates her accomplishments because of an unpopular theory she expresses? Way to support free-thinking. I wouldn't necessarily make David Lynch king of the world but FFS, he's expressing an alternative view of life or art or entertainment. (end rant) Personally, never understood or even was able to follow David Lynch - even Twin Peaks. Just heard about the girl-on-girl in Mulholland Drive. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  19. JUST about to say that. I was pretty impressed with the movie's interpretation (and I adore BDT) but it doesn't come close to the book... Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  20. 1. Jim Slaton 2. Ian Bobo 3. Shannon Pilcher 4. Jay Moledzki* 4. Jason Eames and Jonathan Tagle (tie) 6. Andy Farrington 7. Clint Clawson 8. Kevin Love 9. J.C. Colclasure 10. Heath Richardson Only the top 8 go on to compete for the US at the IPC World Cup. CONGRATS TO EVERYONE! *Jay ain't American Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  21. ...yeah... Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  22. To each his her own! Here's mine. And one of them really skydives! Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  23. Luckily they can all get calf implants. I really get the feeling that these 'objects' aren't for women. I think the 'women are better than men' lesson holds up. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  24. OMG, you're right! And there's a little TJ in 'Paulo' !!!! Still, the 'real' thing is better... Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi
  25. Not me! Personally I like mine a little dirty behind the ears. (and without makeup) Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi