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Everything posted by JayhawkJumper

  1. I was wondering if anyone has or knows where one could obtain the documentary shown on Discovery Wings about nationals a while back. I checked out their web site but it wasn't on DVD. Also, does anyone know if "Adrenaline Rush" will be out on DVD (its the IMAX film)
  2. I'm sitting here finishing up the collegiate video. All I have to do is edit the last 3 minute fun jump section of it and its DONE! If you are waiting on the video, it will be done very soon and should ship in about 2 weeks. Blue Skies, Chris
  3. I have a 2kComposites FF2, which is like the optic, but with the box built in. www.2kcomposites.com. They are pretty cool, but all the helmets that have been named here are good helmets and they will all work, just depends on what fits your needs the best. Have fun with it, Camera flying is a ton of FUN!
  4. Ok, this isn't some kind of anti-war thread at all, but could someone inform me on the updated reasons we are in Iraq. It just seems to me like there are a lot of good reasons to be over there, but those reasons are in other countries as well. It can't be because of 9/11 because that was Osama, and even though Iraq may be harboring terrorists, so are other countries, it can't be because of oil because we are going to give it back to the people, it can't be because of weapons because North Korea and Israel violated the UN treaty and developed Nukes, and Sadam hasn't yet, and it can't be because of human rights because there are a lot of other human rights violators just as bad or worse than Sadam. I honestly think that removing Sadam will be beneficial for their country and the region so I support the war, but my question is, why them and why now?
  5. Definately a nice editorial, but the guy who wrote is forgetting a few things, like even though almost everyone in the US speaks English, it is not our national language and our founding fathers intended this to be a free country, therefore, an official language could not be established. I like what they wrote about God in schools and on the dollar bill. When the country was established, it was done on a belief in God, but the freedom to worship in whatever religion you believe, so putting up simple messages like "in God we trust" or "thou shalt not kill" shouldn't be a problem for anyone, but unfortunately it is... I think people's motivation for learning our language and culture and getting their license pictures without a hood over their face should be to make life easier for them. I mean, ok fine let them into the country speaking spanish, but they probably won't be able to communicate with any local businesses or people. Ok, let her get her drivers license taken with a hood on, but nobody would probably accept it as a form of ID since you can't see her face.
  6. Ok, I'm not a BASE jumper, and I'm curious about this body armour thing. Why do you wear it on BASE jumps? Do you mean like bullet proof vests type of body armour or are you talking about just padding?
  7. I was curious about a couple birdman suits I've seen. Does Adrian Nicholas fly a suit he made himself like for his world record or was that a birdman suit? I've also seen a couple pictures, but never seen or heard of this birdman like contraption that is basically rigid wings that you put on under your harness. It looks very strange, but has anyone seen or flown one of these things?
  8. I have an old style dytter and I was wondering what it means when you turn the dial to set it and it starts beeping and then keeps beeping kind of eractically. I couldn't find a manual on line.
  9. I have an old style dytter and I was wondering what it means when you turn the dial to set it and it starts beeping and keeps beeping kind of eratically.
  10. Ripleys is on again at 12:00 central time and showing the 300 way and the rubber band ball drop.
  11. I saw this being mentioned in an earlier thread about a crash. Could someone explain exactly what a high speed stall is?
  12. I just saw the IMAX movie on Skydiving and BASE jumping called Adrenaline Rush and it was awesome. If anybody is near an IMAX theatre that's playing it, check it out. I was wondering if anyone knew who the freeflyers are. The music they used is also really cool.
  13. I have read a lot of posts here that say "why hassle this jumper who is not hurting anyone else" Well I'm guessing he was smoking pot, but it could be anything. Marijuana slows your reaction time just like alcohol, so would you want someone to take a few shots and jump on your freefly dive? There's a reason why people don't get drunk and jump... they could not only kill themselves they could kill someone else. This being said, I would have rather see a situation like this end in the jumper being grounded for a while instead of police action.
  14. Wouldn't a good reply to the RSL question here since its been debated so many times be: Ask your instructor the pros and cons of having one and make an informed decision for yourself.
  15. It's definately important to get away from people and always watch out for other jumpers while doing so, but if this guy looked over his shoulder at you when you were about to eat a pilot chute, it probably wasn't going to hit you. You can't look 180 degrees behind you so you were above him and off to the side, if you were directly above, he wouldn't have seen you (unless he rolled over). I always look very carefully at the area below me when tracking and I trust other jumpers to do the same. I've thought about barrel rolling, but I might miss someone zipping under me at the last second, but I might also see someone directly above me.... gray area I guess. Bottom line: get the #@$*% away from people after a jump.
  16. Does anyone use a thumb screw for a top mount still and if you do, do you use anything else to secure the camera. I'd like to use a thumb screw for the low profile of the mounting, but I know a camera flyer that lost his still b/c he didn't use a second attachment point. Also, does anyone use the Z-bracket for your still camera? What do you think of it?
  17. I know that camera helmet entanglements are a big thing to consider, but I really don't think a recovery system is needed. There are very few that actually happen and if you do get tangled, I doubt you will care about your camera at that point. Be really careful about what you do at pull time. And if you really want to protect your camera, insurance might be a better way than a recovery chute. I pay State Farm $80/year and they will replace my cameras no questions asked due to loss, breakage, fire, theft, dropping it, pouring beer on it, etc.... I have heard some people say they've had trouble getting this insurance recently though, but its worth checking on. If you do check on it, ask an agent about "single-item insurance" and if you fly tandems, DON'T mention you use it for making money.
  18. Does anyone have a picture of dive blocks they could post. I read about them in a post a while back but I haven't seen any before.
  19. Definately, this could also help out with the formation and evolution of rules at collegiates.
  20. Looking for some advice on back tracking. I have tracked on my back before successfully but when I've tried it lately, my body starts to pitch head-down instead of flat track when I extend my feet. My body position was pretty much the same as a regular track except dearching with my back. I saw video of some people back tracking with their arms out to the side like a sit. I'm thinking this might ad the extra drag needed to keep you flat. I haven't got to jump lately, but I thought I'd get some feedback for the next time I do.
  21. While this thread is active about collegiate freeflying, I would like to know everyone's opinions of the rules at collegiates this year. Tamara Koyn (the head judge for freefly this year) was hoping to get some feedback about the rules and the competition, if some of the competitors voice their opinion and have some good ideas, the rules can change. In my opinion, I really liked the way it was structured. They had simple points that allowed everyone to compete. I thought making it all sit-flying was a good idea because putting head-down points into it would have ellimnated at least half of the teams from even jumping. With such a small number of teams, there could be a division of teams by skill level because there were only 4 to begin with. I thought that one possibility for head-down might be to make the 5th round have two optional routines, one sit-flying the other head-down points or the possibility of bonus points. This way it could still include everyone (which is the most important aspect of collegiate competition in my opinion) but still reward those who may have additional flying abilities.
  22. I had a cutaway on jump #3. It was AFF level 3, the hover in place dive. Cuting away was probably the most insane rush ever. I just yelled obscene things under canopy as I drifted off into a muddy field. Oh ya, and my radio broke, thats why I landed off. Definately an interesting third jump.
  23. If you just got a new rig and are asking about the RSL you probably don't have a canopy that would spin up, but then again you might. you never know. Just find an instructor you trust, have a conversation with them and figure out what will work best for you.
  24. Am I mad that an illegal alien got care in the US? no, I'm glad she got a chance at life. Am I mad that the mother is suing and could win? not really. I would like to see a maximum limit set on malpractice suits though so insurance premiums will go down. Am I mad that this other girl isn't getting needed care? YES! If she can't pay for it, the government shoulud pick up the bill. I'm glad we gave this other little girl a chance at life, even though she died, but this other girl who has been waiting, but doesn't have the money should get the same chance. I just don't get why the government would pay for a non-citizen, but tell a citizen to come up with the cash themselves.
  25. A guy at our DZ had a connector link on his riser come open on him. He said he didn't want to risk landing it so he flew over the hangers, and chopped at a grand. A little lower than I'd probably cut away but he definately found all of his stuff.