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Everything posted by coerce

  1. This one is for Bryn and Willem: I'm sick of bending backward for you people - have fun.
  2. TK, I don't want to fight anymore. I'm skeptical of Trump, but we have to find a way to make it work. There is no progress without compromise - and no doubt some values cannot be compromised, but I don't think we're at that point. Both sides are gonna have to let some shit go.
  3. True, but Trump has talked about infrastructure. Back in the 90s to early 2000s, Dennis Archer had big development plans for Detroit. Often those plans involved suburban developers (white people). Because of that, he was eventually outed as an Uncle Tom and many of those plans fell through. Kwamee Kilpatrick was then elected - a corrupt thug now serving 28 years in federal prison. The people of Detroit have finally raised their voice against the history of corruption that has plagued our city and voted in Mike Duggan to fulfill the legacy of Dennis "Uncle Tom" Archer. The downtown area has been rebuilding to attract high-end businesses and upscale residents for the much needed tax revenue to sustain the city. If I remember correctly, the only thing Trumped seemed adamant about in his victory speech was infrastructure and development -it's probably the only thing he knows. If he can bring mass development to the US and rebuild our infrastructure, then that may be all we need. I'm not holding my breathe, but at some point you gotta be positive. If you're not going to revolt, then why not take this opportunity to make the best of it. Let's hope that we continue to be wrong about this guy, eh?
  4. You mean like the dumb racists in the rust-belt that have voted democrat for the last 30+ years or so, until now?
  5. Do you have the numbers? I mean ya, if you layoff 1 million workers and then rehire them to work half the hours at half the pay - then sure, we're hiring! If that makes you sleep better at night, great! After all, it's all about confidence, right? (snicker) who, gun control advocates? Ya, "The Gangs of New York" was on TV last kinda puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
  6. Kallend: "OMG, politicians lie Oh the humanity!" If Trump's memory about what he's said is as bad as yours, then we might have a chance!
  7. If only Bush refused to listen to his daily intelligence briefings about WMDs. . .
  8. Nope, you made the allusion that he accused the DNC of cheating. He's simply trying to tell people that he would've won the popular vote if it weren't for illegal votes. You're both wrong. Congratulations. The point of my post was about unity - your response shows that it's not likely and supports my fear of being an idealist. Thanks.
  9. To address your edit: eh? Ya, I'd guess that the majority of illegal votes came from the southwest. Not too many mexicans in the rust belt - but whatever. I get your point. Now try addressing mine.
  10. There are just too many variables - the rust belt alone blew my mind. I don't want to think too hard about it - that wasn't the point. Please narrow it down for me. Ultimately the point was that the majority, regardless of race, will always be the assholes since they are the ones that are most threatened by immigrants. My hope is that we can overcome that - like I said, I've become an idealist.
  11. Where in the attachment did it say that they were trying to cheat? It's simply an allusion to the idea that there are illegals voting in the southwestern blue states - How many? We really don't know. Personally, I think this should be a queue to republicans that the Hispanic/minority vote really isn't a threat to them, so they should just stop bitching about it already. As for those shouting for a "popular vote" election - do you really think that's a good idea in a country with 60-70% white and 80-90% christian? There are a lot of people on both sides that don't vote because they think that it doesn't matter in their particular State. If all of a sudden they felt that their vote would actually matter, then there should be a higher turnout - and logic says that the majority will win that fight. This would ultimately destroy the morale of the minorities thus decreasing their turnout year after year. Now some may say that by 2040 whites/christian won't be the majority anymore, but they've been saying that for years - they were saying that was gonna happen back in 2000. ...but let's say that it's true. Let's say that white Christians won't be the majority for much longer. We have to remember that those that voted for trump were children of immigrants, many of which were pollacks, micks and wops that were treated like shit just like the spicks and ragheads are today. This isn't about racism, this is just the same shit that's been going on for years - so who's to say that history won't repeat itself regardless of the ethnicity of the majority? Republicans are in power now, and I pray that they seize the opportunity to unite this country rather than waste time boasting about their petty victory - to prove to God that they are not the xenophobic racist bigots of which many have been falsely accused. Likewise, when Trump executes a more moderate presidency unlike that which he promised, I pray that the democrats embrace it as an opportunity to unite, rather than to mock and divide us even further. (Fuck - I've turned into a goddamned idealist. . .)