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Everything posted by Blacksmith311

  1. Do you honestly believe that if they outright banned guns in America just like Australia it would work the same. That law abiding owners AND criminals would turn in every gun they can find? In a country where 300 million legal and illegal guns are held both in and out of registration identifying the actual owner? Australia only had to deal with over a million guns, I'm not so sure with the US culture it would would out with similar results. I would foresee criminals and gangs buying up as many guns as they can before the ban and continue to operate as usual for decades to come only impacting legal owners the free easy opportunity to defend themselves.
  2. Why does everyone keep bringing this up like politics and the tv/movie industry are two different worlds? Did the US not elect two presidents who were on tv/movies, and wasn't there 2-3 State governors that were in the same position? Also who else has as much disposable income as movie stars and producers to buy politicians?
  3. One also has to ask what incentive is there for the Puerto Rico politicians to hold back aid also. The FBI is investigating reports that the politicians are the ones holding the supplies back so they can continue to blame Trump. There are also reports of teamsters via truck drivers calling in sick so the supplies will not get delivered Before you throw the Snopes thing out there, their source denying it is from James Hoffa, Jimmy Hoffa's son! The general president of the Teamsters.......
  4. Could he not have just bought one of the other existing millions of rifles that have been in the US since what vietnam era?
  5. But where were you and the others? 5 days later and it is a top headline in the news and not a word here? He may not be a politician but he has great ties to them, and such influence no doubt. And not only presidents or politicians have been outed here for such behavior so lets not keep trying to draw a line like that. He was a major supporter(financially also), close to the president, and president elect, in the mainstream media guy but nothing. Just very curious as to why none from the left here for FIVE days even mentioned him. It was so well known people questioned why Saturday night live did not parody it, and they released a statement on it.
  6. It was not an observation for the world just this form. What I was going on about was that if President Trump looked a a girl wrong some here would have 28 articles saying he raped her, but when someone from the far left, prominent supporter of the last president, and president elect has a similar incident that was all over the news with a president elect speaking out about it, how long did it go and no one mentioned it? I'm not the one making it about US politics, the US media is the one doing it, I just posted links and even copied the headlines as my narrative.
  7. At this age probabaly. Forgive me, what I should have said was the purpose of it in today's political world is in the defense of citizens vs knee jerk politicsQuote
  8. True, one of the reasons they need more than two parties so it will split up the hostages they have now(voters).
  9. You got me there, don't live there, don't have an NRA Membership, but you have to agree that anyone who is supporting NRA today is getting it to support the NRA's current goal and that is to be a buffer from over reactive over reaching politicians and that was my point. Why are you bringing up why it was historically started? This is about today.
  10. The fact that it came out 5 days ago, but the same that is quick to judge others here did not step up and judge their own. I don't live there, or watch movies so it doesn't matter to me. But if you are gonna throw some well known people up there don't forget your side too.
  11. 3,000 people killed in a single incident done by verified foreign terrorism is not even in the same conversation as this.
  12. Even so how many of you have turned a blind eye to someone who you know had too many to drive and allowed them to leave in their own car? DWI killed more people in the US than Guns.
  13. You mean Powerful organization set in place as a buffer to prevent over reaction by left leaning politicians. I would love to see your data on number 3 as to the reason for the surgery, and the MALPRACTICE that killed them. Malpractice here, not a body that was too sick to survive the surgery. None of this mentions Old sick people who were about to die..
  14. 9,000 is a tragedy but an INSIGNIFICANT fraction of preventable deaths. I know you are smart enough to know that. Not saying its right, not saying we can't do two things at once, but lets not sit here like its such a killer compared to the other preventable deaths.
  15. Accusers and incidents date back from as long as 1990's and include Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie. Hillary Clinton is a long time associate with Harvey and has officially condemned him. He is also associated with the Obamas. Obama’s daughter, Malia, also did an internship for the Weinstein Company in New York between high school and attending college this fall.. How has this not come up here, or did I miss something?
  16. Do we even know if he purchased the weapons himself and actually got a background check on them, private transfer, stole, or straw purchase??? Seems like everyone here is all over the place and I have not found anyone that knows how they were obtained. Also it was a matter of time before someone used a slidefire for evil reasons. They should be taken off the market.
  17. The media released this yesterday, but the DOJ will not give official notice until today. Standard SOP for the US to leak everything to the press?
  18. And there it is folks. The lefts explanation that goes between the two above thought processes.
  19. The American liberals are really caught up on this one. Do we stick with the narrative that President Trump is a puppet of the Russian state, or go with the narrative that the above is incorrect and he is trying to start WWIII with them.