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Everything posted by BrianM84

  1. Hey! I am a sophomore at Rutgers in New Brunswick and they don't let me have my car on campus, so it's hard to get to CrossKeys to finish AFF. i am currently on AFF level 5 now though. I wanna ask if anyone would want to pick me up on their way to crosskeys if it's not out of their way this upcomming Saturday. i would glady pay for gas or a jump ticket or something in exchange for the ride. thank you in advance Blue Skies, Brian McCarthy [email protected]
  2. Same thing here in NJ I keep checking for weather in NJ This weekend:) it looks really good, i think i might be able to do AFF levels 5, 6, and maybe 7!!:) Brian
  3. hey, just thought i'd add something to the comment about the security guard thinking you were going to jump. I heard of a robbery(bank heist maybe?) where that actually happened, had the pilot take off, and jumped with a parachute with the jewels or money, or whatever it was(never found the guy but many think he didnt survive) i guess it HAS been tried before. ok, hehe, that was not the point of the thread but just thought i'd mention that. Brian McCarthy
  4. I've been interested in magic, and slieght of hand for many years but never became very good (IMO) at it. i would like to learn to be much better at it, and be able to perform in front of people without getting nervous. Brian
  5. i actually think the sound barrier has been broken. I dont know for sure, but i thought it was something like in the Guiness book of records? i may be wrong though. Brian McCarthy EDIT: 10. Joe Kittinger made the highest intentional skydive in history when in 1960 he jumped out of a balloon at 103,000 ft., and is the only person to have broken the sound barrier with his body alone.
  6. "Whos your daddy and what does he do?" Kindergarten Cop!!:) love that movie Tallyman
  7. hi, i don't have a lot of jumps, only 5, and am trying to get off student status and my A liscence. But since moving into dorms at Cook College of Rutgers in NJ i dont have a car and have no way to get to the dropzone. Anyone around the area, maybe another beginner jumper, want to go down to Cross Keys together? I could pay for gas or something if it would help? Brian McCarthy [email protected]
  8. I'm a student at Cook College at Rutgers, so that takes up a lot of time. But also Computer security, rollerblading, magic (slieght of hand mostly), tennis, and playing on the swings and pretty much my day is full
  9. yea, im a student at FreeFall Adventures. I went this morning to the dropzone to do my refresher course, and jumps, but only got the refresher class took longer then i thought and i had to leave afterwards before making my jumps. I'll be back though!
  10. hey!! been reading the forums for a couple weeks and thought i'd say hi:) Doing AFP number 1 tomorrow!! soo excited. hopefully i can make 2 more jumps tomorrow also. Made 4 tandems and 1 AFP 6 months-1 year ago, but i keep running out of money , and have to wait to save up again to jump:) well just wanted to say hi to everyone. and maybe i'll see some people from here at Cross Keys. Brian McCarthy [email protected] "If Stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out?"