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Everything posted by dmcoco84

  1. Now this is a good posting!!! Enough with the "I am a Christian...and proud of it!!!" BS
  2. Haha that would be funny!!! Then we need others to dress like ranger Gestapo and have a “Nazi Ranger” big way.
  3. So who was doing the freebasing!?! Was it Jimmy going without a chute?
  4. MY GOD!!! HE HAS LOST HIS MIND! But damn was that sweet!!!!!
  5. Jimmy, I totally agree with you on that one. There are so many things that parents are allowing their children to do that could result in serious injury or death and nothing is thought of it. It’s just that BASE and Skydiving are not as mainstream as other things like surfing, great example, so they are looked at differently. People see jumping out of a plane or off an object as crazy but not a huge wave and the undertow that could easily slam you into the ground and drown you. I knew a guy who was doing motocross in high school when he was 16. He showed me some of the jumps he was doing and if he had had a bad landing he could have easily been seriously injured. It is my perception that only because it is more mainstream and on TV, X games, people look at it differently. I also agree that in the future the world of BASE will be changing. Your point earlier about students and ram air canopies is a good indicator of this. Some things that look like a bad idea now change over time with good results. Same with static line and AFF. There is no need to do static line when AFF is perfectly safe. I don’t think the change in BASE will be any time soon but it will definitely happen. L8er D
  6. Well I wanna get on to see jimmy's new video, so its BASE related.
  7. Anyone know the deal with being down?
  8. I have two ball jumps and I believe josh has the same but we were niether primary or secondary catchers. We are looking to make and have a ball for the times when we are at another dz and jumping with those who do have the ability to catch. Or down the road when we are ready we will have the ball ready. Yes they are allowed at our dz but only over the swamp.
  9. Is no one able to help us??
  10. I could afford that! I'll just have to live in it though.
  11. Yea Yea Yea... "What if" My dad bought my BASE rig for me so I gotta pay him back before I think about lending any more money (at least its interest free). Plus I have a car payment too. Well just becuase shit could happen doesn't mean you should spend spend spend. I might at well go take out a loan to buy the Viper I want if I am gonna think along those lines. How much would my payments be for an 83,000 car with no money down?!? D
  12. That's how people get themselves in trouble. I'm doing it the old fashion way. Saving.
  13. Huh?!?! Cause interest sux!!! I took out a loan for my skydiving gear but it saved me money. 2600 for 2 years 300 interest. If I rented student gear it would cost 30 each time plus the slot so 10 jumps would be 300 bucks. I made my money back from having the loan after 10 jumps. I won't get a loan for a FJC because I don't want to be in debit and pay interest.
  14. Who buys blood and plasma? I give blood to the red cross but they don't buy anything.
  15. Lets Man Whore for Plane Tickets!!!! Edited to add: On a serious note, I am saving for a FJC; and/or plane tickets.
  16. “Red wig and skirt” I don’t know what the hell hinda man whoring you are looking at doing but prefer the Ladies! Lets post for our services in the women only forum. Maybe we’ll get some business and we can get a FJC!
  17. I was thinking about becoming a Man Whore!
  18. Wow! (All I will say) Hey Jimmy, RADIX is the shiznit! HD BASE and trash stomping. GOTTA LOVE IT!!
  19. Well, perhaps I can word it a little more clearly. You will have less time away from your significant other in the times you need that “personal space”. For many the DZ is a place where they spend that time apart, same as golfing, fishing, or whatever it is you do. For many women I would assume shopping is a big one. If your SO is at the DZ every weekend, regardless of the fact that you are jumping together or not, you do lose a place you can go to get away. I’m not saying that it’s a terrible thing its just one possible con on the list. As TomSucks said “Who wants their significant other to go everywhere with them, none of my buddies. I taught my wife to fish, and since she didn’t like it she would nag me when I decided to go every time after that. We were divorced about 3 years later.” My last gf used to complain quite a bit that I wanted to spend the whole weekend at the dz and never took a day off. I told her that in the beginning of the relationship that that would happen and I would rarely take a day off but it obviously went it one ear and out the other. If you date a skydiver they will have a similar understanding of your passion and that you would rather spend the weekend or a good portion of it jumping and chillin with your buddies and not shopping for potpourri. I have dated on the DZ and it was great but for others it may not be appealing. Yes that is true. I have another friend who’s gf was his sugar momma. She paid for all is gear and his jumps. And she wasn’t a jumper. But if your SO jumps also and you are pooling your incomes, in some situations it could end up cut into your jump money. Regardless…This post is about mina and how if she does wish to BASE jump in the future with an adequate level of skydiving experience she needs to do so with a mentor as Tom has described.
  20. Good Point! My buddy and I just the other day were talking about the pros and cons of dating a skydiver. On the one hand your girl won’t bitch that you are at the DZ all the time because she would want to be there also, but on the other hand you have no time for yourself and you also have less jump money. P.S Great article Tom!
  21. dmcoco84


    I get out plenty, as soon as the green light turns on.
  22. 4 Jumps 2 objects. Two at NRGB and 2 at a Smoke stack - 265 feet.
  23. dmcoco84


    HELL NO!! Being involved with skydiving and BASE are what I live for!