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  1. Congratulations to all of you! I wish I could have been there, but since I've retired from work, I hardly make any jumps at all any more. Eight people is the biggest skydive I make these days, and not many of those. I have enjoyed looking at all the skydiving pictures from the event. Again, it's great news! That means the rest of the weekend can just be laid back fun jumps, right? *** DJan
  2. Alphonz taught my First Jump Course in 1990. I last saw him at the World Freefall Convention and he wasn't jumping then. I also have some wonderful memories of him way back when. He did some awesome video, too. Blue skies, Alphonz. *** DJan
  3. Jeez, it's been so long since I've been on I've forgotten how to send a PM. I'll figure it out. I'm buying some of these, now that I've met John and Valinda, they are GREAT people!! *** DJan
  4. I have more than a thousand jumps on a Sabre2, wingloading 1.1, so pretty lightly loaded. I don't think I had more than 10% of the openings right on heading, but I found that the tail had to be hanging straight down and the slider quartered with just a little pull towards me before wrapping it. Then I was ready with rears when I opened, just in case. Every opening soft, but it was definitely seeking to open off heading. Switched to a used Stiletto that I just love, but it also has issues on opening. Rear risers are my best friend. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had a packer who psycho packed it and it opened on heading every time. I could never get that myself, though. *** DJan
  5. I've been following the thread and am thrilled to hear it! I can't wait to see the picture(s), and big big thanks to Bill for the quick updates. It made me jump up and down to hear the news. *** DJan
  6. 47, now almost 20 years ago. Still jumping. *** DJan
  7. Just finished my first weekend demo'ing the Storm 135. I have lots of jumps on the Spectre and didn't want one, moving from that to a Sabre2, with more than 1000 jumps on it, looking for a canopy that would land better. I have been jumping a Stiletto for the past two years or so, and I love the flight characteristics and the landings, but don't like the openings unless I or my husband pack it. It's hurt me a few times. My first impressions of the Storm: (1) it does NOT fly like a Spectre, at all. Doesn't open like one either. (2) plenty of flare at the bottom end, not exactly like a Stiletto, but it seems to like a two-stage flare like the Stiletto. Turns are crisp and snappy but not the same as a Stiletto but MILES better than the heavy toggle pressure of the Spectre. (3) Glide angle is much better than a Spectre, and landings seemed pretty good except I did have to run a little because I think I didn't complete the flare (because of being used to the very narrow control range of the Stiletto). (4) Braked flight and light turbulence really wowed me: both improvements over the Spectre. Bottom line: openings were snappy, nothing like the Spectre, flight characteristics were good, turns took a little time to get started but toggle pressure was light at 1.1 wing loading, and landings were way way better than a Spectre but I would need more time to dial in the landings before I could compare them to a Stiletto. I have another weekend to test it out before I decide anything, but my first impressions are really good. *** DJan
  8. I miss you too, dearly. I was momentarily taken aback by your current avatar, but once I recovered, I figured I could answer you quickly before we head off for Abbotsford for the day. During the boogie, they have the Kapowsin Otter, but usually Abottsford jumps a Porter, which is a great plane but they load it up with ten people (or worse yet, five tandems) and that makes for a pretty tight airplane. Roger Ponce is there organizing this weekend for the boogie. At Pitt Meadows, they have a King Air, which is so familiar to me from Mile Hi. It's funny, I don't even usually count the 182s (but all the DZs here have at least one) because I won't get in one very often. I think I might have made a half dozen jumps out of them, but that will change, I suspect, when I make low jumps in the winter to keep current. I wish we could see each other, but unless we meet at some boogie or other, it's a long way to commute. :-) Edited to add: my $111 by credit card came across this morning as $107.80, making each jump cost $35.90. *** DJan
  9. I just went to Abbotsford, BC, Canada for a boogie today (Saturday) and paid $111 CAD (about $110 USD) for three jumps. This was just accepted by the participants -- even though the jumps are cheaper in the US, there is that pesky border crossing to deal with whenever you go. It took 2 minutes to enter Canada, and 1 hour to leave. But I'll be back tomorrow. If it were not a holiday weekend in Canada, I could have stayed in a hotel overnight, but I waited too long. *** DJan
  10. I agree. Thank you, Sangiro. I wear my t-shirts with the cool logo proudly at the DZ and at boogies. I keep my head down and lurk here a lot. I read my favorite sections religiously, skip the rest and occasionally post but usually stay out of the fray. One could get lost in here, but I take what I want and leave the rest. I have my favorite posters and my least favorites, and I salute you for giving us this well-organized space. *** DJan
  11. I found this picture, which was taken after his first cutaway on a tandem. *** DJan
  12. Words fail me. I was home packing up for our move to the Pacific Northwest when I got a call that this tragedy took place yesterday. I thought about Dano all the rest of the day and night and every time I woke up I thought about him. Then this morning the local news had his smiling picture. Dano was one of the best FJC instructors I know. He knew how to teach but not overteach brand new students. He was proud that very few of his students had to repeat their first jump. I watched him just last weekend teaching his students and thought about how calm, inspiring, and just downright good he was. That actually sums up Dano in my mind: good. He was good to the students, good to his friends, just plain good. He was well respected at his job, and many times he would provide free pizza for my coach courses, without me asking. My heart is heavy for all of us who knew him, because he's one of a kind. Goodbye my friend, I will see you and my other friends and family who went before me when I show up on the other side. *** DJan
  13. That is such a beautiful thing to say. It is also a wonderful testament to those who are gone, that you are following in their footsteps. I am an almost 65-year-old skydiver, three weeks away from Medicare, and I made 6 jumps this weekkend. I also started late, not as late as you are, but I have made more than 1,000 jumps since I turned 57. So look at it this way: even though you started late, you still have lots of jumps to look forward to, as long as you keep current, find good gear and keep it well maintained, stay on the larger canopy sizes so that you have lots of room for error, and listen to your mentors. It always makes me happy to hear stories like yours. It makes me feel not so alone when I'm out at the DZ seeing all the young vibrant people. But skydiving makes me forget that I'm not one of them. This weekend I heard an "elderly" grey-haired man in the airplane waxing philosophically about this tandem jump that had been given to him for his 48th birthday! (That's the age I was when I started.) He is almost as old as my son would have been, if he were alive. Talk about feeling grateful! And old! *** DJan
  14. What he said. It's funny to learn that the things you worry most about before you make your jumps often turn out to be insignificant. I remember a guy whose wife had bought him a first jump. He went through the First Jump Course and worried the whole time about the landing, which was just fine. The freefall was so overwhelming to him, though, he couldn't stop talking about it in the debrief. He went on to make several hundred more jumps before moving on to some other challenge. *** DJan
  15. I think of you, Rob, every time somebody snaps the connector you put on my Mirage legstraps. Yep, I'm definitely married to Skratch. We will celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary on May 5th. We got married on 5/5 at 5,500 feet over Loveland, Colorado. It was 1994. Left the airplane single and landed married. Clarice, Skratch's first wife, still writes occasionally (she never forgets his birthday). She's retired from her job and probably doesn't read I look forward to having been married to Skratch longer than she was. Two years to go! *** DJan