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  1. Well isn't that ironic, in light of his other unconstitutional actions, like his immigration edict. Now all of a sudden he's concerned about following "proper" procedures and our national interest. Peshaw!
  2. No no no, it's "balls", not "bald". ;-)
  3. Okay, someone complained about the "Toughest Guys" thread not having any women listed. So here's a parallel thread to give you a chance to list some tough women. Same rules; no movie characters, just real women. Go! For my starter entry, I give you Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Soviet sniper with 309 Nazi kills.
  4. The only way to know is to send it to their authorized repair facility, and let them look at it. I ruined an Altimaster once when I was unscrewing the lens to replace it, and it slipped and knocked the needle off. Unrepairable. But that was because the stem upon which the needle was mounted was broken off. Yours might be different. Send it in. You have little to lose (postage), and much to gain (saving the cost of a new one).
  5. But we don't think that there's a number of people less than zero. Zero is as low as you can go in those terms.
  6. ...And then he unexpectedly kissed me in freefall. Arghhhh! Terrifying!
  7. That doesn't seem to be true: See "Gun Regulation": So then, the right to free speech should only apply to printed words, and not to radio, TV or the internet? Translation: Permit free ways of dealing Free license acquisition and possession 1.7 barreled single shot weapons with Zündhütchenzündung (percussion weapons), whose model has been developed before 1 January 1871. 1.8 Firearms with match- or spark ignition , the model has been developed before 1 January 1871. 1.9 Needle gun firearms whose model has been developed before 1 January 1871. First of all, please stop the insults. Second, you're misleading everyone. Your reference to "everyone can own a weapon, no permit..." is limited only to antiques. Pardon me for thinking that when you referred to weapons acquisition that you were also talking about modern weapons. I was correct for for those modern guns. You are correct only when talking about antique guns. By comparing German laws for antique guns with US laws for modern guns, you were comparing apples to oranges, which is an invalid comparison. Don't be so misleading in the future. It shoots your credibility all to hell. We could have avoided all this BS if you had just been straight-forward and specific in the first place.
  8. That doesn't seem to be true: See "Gun Regulation": So then, the right to free speech should only apply to printed words, and not to radio, TV or the internet? Are you claiming that a government license is not required to own a gun in Germany? Once again, that seems to be incorrect: See: I'm providing reference sources for my position. How about you doing the same for yours? Oh, and you didn't address the second part of my response about free speech...
  9. Lack of a reference allowing independent verification renders your statement worthless.
  10. That doesn't seem to be true: See "Gun Regulation": So then, the right to free speech should only apply to printed words, and not to radio, TV or the internet?
  11. Because of the Constitution's full faith and credit clause: "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State." Would you prefer that states be allowed to not recognize gay marriages performed in other states? Should states give tickets to drivers from other states whose car insurance isn't up to their own standards?
  12. Such a person can only be in one place at a time. Why do you think they would be more likely to cause a problem in a different state they are visiting, versus their home state where they spend most of their time? Good question, for kallend. And here's another: If they already have anger management issues and have a gun, what makes him think that they'll give a shit about some law that prohibits them from taking that gun across a state line?
  13. Reserve pins have to be soft metal because that allows the shank to be swaged onto the steel cable, where under great pressure the metal flows into the fibers of the cable for a tight grip. So I guess the trick is to have a pin hard enough not to bend, and at the same time, soft enough to be swaged. If you had a hardened steel pin, then you've got to figure out a new way to attach the pin to the cable...
  14. Another data point. Data show that gun ownership does confer greater safety. It looks like the pharmacist almost shot his co-worker. And prevented the robber from shooting some of his employees. Once a robber points a gun at someone, all rules of civility are off.
  15. Another data point. Data show that gun ownership does confer greater safety. The plural of anecdote is NOT data. Funny reply. I copied your own words from your earlier post. So you're just criticizing yourself. Ha!