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Posts posted by sundevil777

  1. It seems that there are a lot of Altitracks for sale, just from my observation of the classifieds over time. Is this an indication that people that liked the idea of getting the "best of both worlds" (digital and analog) were disappointed?
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  2. The thread below show an alternative to the Grellfab that I think is worth considering.


    I don‘t like neither the chin mount on the G3 nor the one on the Aero. A light unintentional bump of a fellows foot during exit and you can count yourself lucky if it‘s still there.

    The videos on this site show the mount being severely dislodged, knocked out of position as if it was kicked. The mount just springs back into place when released. Does the Grellfab not do this? I think the ability for it to dislodge and spring back mean if the mount does snag something, it might clear on its own compared to a “hard” mount that can’t be dislodged. It also means less force will be transferred from a severe hit or snag to the camera mount.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  3. I have been using, as you described, a "heavy duty key-ring style split ring" for about 150 jumps. No sign of trouble yet.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  4. Mike, thank you for letting us know the reason for the change.

    It doesn't seem very much of a burden, when we realize what qualifies.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  5. markharju

    ***These seem to be a well executed design, what do you think?

    I like it. I just bought a Cookie G3 and am keen to mount my GoPro on the chin. B|


    I have no experience in freefall videography, but I also think the chin is a better location than top of helmet. This mount keeps the camera very close to the helmet, significantly closer than the Grellfab mount by the looks of it.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  6. What is the difference between these two models?

    Perhaps it only would matter if I was using something other than a session - but since I'm going to be attaching a low profile mount for the session to it, it doesn't matter?
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  7. which gadget has the accelerometer/G sensor? I don't recognize Altiforce, and it isn't on the L&B website
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  8. I think that digital altimeters likely do some "smoothing" of the chaotic/noisy data that is their input. This smoothing means that they don't respond as quickly compared to no smoothing, and their accuracy could be expected to suffer especially during changes in speed.

    Without smoothing, we would see a lot more back and forth of the digits as we climb, but I rarely see, for instance, my alti reflect the noise that is of course present in the pressure input.

    Your analysis of time based on video - how many frames/frame rate has got to be quite accurate.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  9. Quote

    I like the side hand mount

    I agree, the side hand mount is easier to read. That "side" hand mount can be done with an ordinary hand mount by just putting the loop on the index finger only, and rotating the whole thing so it sits between the index finger and thumb.


    I will probably go for a good audible like the Altitrack

    The altitrack is a visual altimeter.

    The Viso is ridiculous because it shows the "tens" unit of feet in freefall, which turns out as just a blur, which is worse than useless. Also, I think the Neptune's digits are much easier to quickly read than the Viso. If you can find a used Neptune II, put the armor case on it, that is the way to go for inexpensive.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  10. OldGregg

    A super tight reserve can make packing a tight main harder and the combination of the two has been implicated in some delayed reserve deployments. Also the comfort factor, a brick is less comfortable on your back than a pillow.

    Too tight also puts more stress on fabric/stitching/stiffeners/grommets.

    Too tight also puts more stress on your rigger. You do not want your rigger to regret agreeing to pack your reserve because it is "one of those". Much better to have your repack welcomed because your reserve fits the way it is supposed to.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  11. jonrusso99

    Hi all,

    I saw a recent thread about unconscious/uncontrolled landings which brought up a new question. Is wing loading the only factor in descent rate here, or does the canopy model make a significant difference?

    I am looking for a reserve (for my first rig, Mirage M4) and the three largest options that fit are an Icarus Nano 176, PD 160 and Smart 150. Logic would say that the Icarus would be the safest to land (whether uncontrolled or controlled) but is that necessarily the case?

    Thanks in advance!

    Are these the sizes that are predicted to fit well, or the biggest?

    The biggest that is supposed to be able to fit might be really awful in other ways. Maybe better to get the biggest that can fit just right.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  12. I bought tires at a shop that didn't use the final hand-torque wrench to the special locking lug on each wheel. They just applied the impact gun which apparently limits the touque to below what is needed, which is reasonable when using a torque wrench after. However they claim that the locking lug adapter isn't strong enough to withstand the final torque, so they don't do it on the locking lug-they don't want it to break.

    Seems complete bullshit to me, that the adapter would be designed to not be strong enough, and they didn't even tell me about it. I noticed it because I took my lug wrench to each wheel just to confirm that I felt they were adequately tight.

    Has anyone run into this before?
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  13. mbohu


    Do not trust anything this person says.

    How come?

    The responsiveness of a Nav 300 is slow because it is huge, and also likely because the planform and/or airfoil are not designed for flying fast. A smaller canopy, or a 300 with a more elliptical planform will feel different.

    The stretchiness of dacron lines has nothing to do with it, beyond the slightly higher aero drag, which is not significant for those of us with low WL.

    edit-I suggest finding some dacron lined canopy and getting a feel for it, pulling on a single line by hand. It is actually not as elastic as you might think.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  14. mbohu


    Do not trust anything this person says.

    How come?

    Because it sounds like the ramblings of an engineer wannabe that knows just enough to be really wrong about a lot of stuff.

    Plenty of people, including me, prefer and continue to use dacron lines despite them causing more drag, bulkier and heavier. The little bit of stretch that occurs under the tension while flying is definitely not significant for larger canopies. When I got my canopy relined, I chose dacron and don't regret it at all. I'm sure that some teeny canopy being swooped hard would suffer worse flight characteristics with dacron but that doesn't apply to my Pilot 210.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  15. Quote

    Someone told me though--and that made quite some sense to me--that this was partially related to the lines: The lines on student canopies are the ones that are quite elastic and therefore the whole thing takes a while to react.

    Do not trust anything this person says.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  16. Quote

    I got pretty much every option available at the time and still came in a couple grand cheaper than what other manufacturers would have run for the same thing.

    2,000 less? Please show the details of the deal you got, as it starts at 2,235 per their website.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  17. obelixtim

    ***"I would (and have) jumped any of that gear again. But I think my newer rigs are generally better.

    Wendy P. "

    I was just doing my Marty Feldman routine.

    Edit: I was trying to find it on youtube, or more accurately one of them. If I remember correctly he had a series of similar skits but the one I remember had him and a couple of other ancient Vets sitting around a table talking about how many times each of them had been killed in the war and the different horrific ways they died then would end with "but you try to tell kids today and will they listen? Nooooo!"

    Not Marty Feldman. Monty Python sketch.

    Four Yorkshiremen. You'll find it on You Tube.

    You can both be right. I believe Marty Feldman has done a version or 2 of the sketch, included along with the Python troupe. My memory says it may have been live performances.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  18. sedsquare

    I second what Billy said! Come see us at WTS. We've got a Pitts Special bi-plane available every weekend for inverted jumps. Super fun! Helicopter also available every weekend too.

    Nice lift choices you have!

    I don't think I'll go there this time though, just given some definite waypoints I've already decided upon.

    My route is most flexible from Seattle to Ohio.

    Chicagoland and SD Chicago are good candidates, I've been to both and it is tough to choose if only allowed one.

    Thanks to everyone that has offered suggestions and advice.

    between Ohio and Phoenix-What if anything is worth hitting in terms of possibly Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Texas. I might go as far south as Dallas, but probably not. Northern New Mexico? I've never been to DZs along this route in those states.

    Going from Phoenix to Seattle along Interstate 5 - I get the impression that there are a few San Francisco area DZs and I've never been to any of them. More advice would be great. I been to Mollala a few times and like that, other Oregon DZ candidates?

    Seattle to Ohio maybe through Montana or maybe going across the corner of Oregon to Salt Lake what's up with the DZs over the great divide and through the plains? I like the sky knights in Milwaukee, but never been to Minnesota or Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska...

    Thank you for your consideration and contribution.
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  19. What about the Northern California DZs?
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  20. What about the dz’s along I-44 and I-40 St. Louis, Ok city, N Texas?
    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

  21. I'll be leaving Ohio and going to my home town of Phoenix, where I lived for 8 years in Seattle and back. I might make the big loop in either direction and my route is flexible. I will be visiting Eloy and Kapowsin of course, but what other DZs are worth a stop?

    People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am