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  1. My brain tells me that you must have a really tiny penis if it has anything to do with your canopy choice.
  2. I don't even know why you're responding to my posts. Can you even hear me while you're standing so high on your soap box? Judging by your responses; this conversation is useless. Your ego and lack of intelligence will dissuade you from any form of meaningful exchange. The OP was asking about a handshake! and the traditions involved.
  3. Well said. You hit all of the usual notes; and finished with a nice quippy response. You even managed to call me a "bitchy whuffo wife" in your eloquent response. Well done. I'm a male skydiver. New to the sport too. This is a discussion about handshakes. Not a discussion about you. Cool it.
  4. I'm glad you guys agree (and are reasonable human beings). It's a simple friendly gesture. Not an attempt to sabotage your fellow skydiver's gear checks. Who would do that anyway? I rarely post, but wow. Blues.
  5. Simple enough question, but as always on it turned in to the stupidest thread ever. The guy was just asking a simple question and it got turned into a pissing contest. And of coarse some young jumper camera references had to be added for effect.
  6. I was told there would be free food served here. I was dooped...Most will learn that everything does not need to be logged ...
  7. The one that is airworthy 1hr after its last 100hr, and complies with all applicable AD's...
  8. Probably because you clicked on it. And then CHOSE to read it.