
Rap Videos

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Anyone have good Wrap Videos?
I'll post one as soon as I can get my copy back.
I was flying Pin, Kliff docked on me and got wrapped by Doug flying #4.
He did not cutaway and a few seconds later he was flying docked on the formation.
We went on to build the 7 stack and flew so another guy could take some shots at it for a CCS.
Wendy? Got any?


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the video of my last wrap was great, but still only on VHS and a friend's mini DV. Let me peek thru my links....

no wraps but good anyhow,
http://www.eco.utexas.edu/Homepages/Staff/Faulkner/skydive/crw.html actually is this Wendy's page?

dammit, where are the rest of mine? i have a handful on my hard drive. i think they may have come from ftp.skydivingmovies.com perhaps but not too sure.

Gonna be a GOOOOD crew weekend! We have 4 peeps lined up to do sport crew (tri's, spectres, lightnings) and also planning on doing some 2/3 way speed rotations with prodigy's. Have a safe one!

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Nice Vids! :)
As far as the nasty videos go, damn! It was cool that some were put in slow motion. The collision.mov was pretty wild, wtf was that guy thinking?! And on a couple of those wraps, it was like a wing was just kicking back and forgot what trim was...damn! :)
Thanks again for cool shots! B|

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There are a few on my server in the /cutaways/ folder. Lets see, there's CRW_gone_bad.mov, foxsports_canopy_collision.asf, and wrap.mpg. Also in the /CRW/ folder, foxsports_crw_tangle.asf. Also, in /From TV/, disc - crw wrap.mpg. Thats all I can find right now. Can't watch most of them from work so there may be more I'm not thinking of.


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As far as the nasty videos go, damn! It was cool that some were put in slow motion. The collision.mov was pretty wild, wtf was that guy thinking?! And on a couple of those wraps, it was like a wing was just kicking back and forgot what trim was...damn! :)b

Its rarely the wings forgetting trim. Sometimes one side will get heavy and the light side can't keep it down. Or a hard hit on one side of the formation can take out a wing. Or turbulence or lots of other stuff. Pretty much anything bad that happens on diamonds goes through the corners because they feel everything. Sometimes if the formation slows down enough (people in the middle geeking) there's nothing the corners can do but come around). The middle of the formation needs to stay arched (very important.)

As for the collision one - that was me :-) The countdown for breaking into pieces for the second point was slightly different at the top versus the bottom of the formation. What you saw ensued :-) Got a really sweet line burn on the back of my knee from it!

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