
Buying a reserve

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When purchasing a reserve, does it REALLY matter what brand it is? I know the PD advertisements say otherwise, but as long as its TSOed is there a meaningful difference between name brand and generic?

Also, does anyone have comments on buying used reserves?
I started skydiving for the money and the chicks. Oh, wait.

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There have been recalls on some Raven -M reserves. Also, reserves flare differently -- I'd strongly suggest demoing one, to see what matches what you're most likely to do when you're stressed. If you're used to a short flare, or a long flare -- take that into account.

I'd jump a used reserve in a heartbeat, as long as it passed inspection. I'd jump a reserve with a patch on a flat panel in a heartbeat, too. I'd be more concerned with one with a repair (particularly a patch) along a seam.

Wendy W.
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A couple things to think about if you're looking at an older used reserve.

First, many older reserves were not designed or built to handle higher wingloadings. If you're buying something more than 6 or 7 years old find out what the manufacturer says is the max weight and don't exceed it.

And second, stick with 7 cell squares. There's nothing wrong with the older 5 cells (Swift, etc) or rounds, but you'll get better landings out of a 7 cell.

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First, many older reserves were not designed or built to handle higher wingloadings. If you're buying something more than 6 or 7 years old find out what the manufacturer says is the max weight and don't exceed it.

one other thing to add to your excelent advise is that modern reserve canopies are also made for modern skydiving...i.e. higher deployment speeds due to vertical flight(my favorite)

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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one other thing to add to your excelent advise is that modern reserve canopies are also made for modern skydiving...i.e. higher deployment speeds due to vertical flight(my favorite)

-- > Unless I am mistaken, there is only one canopy rated for higher than normal deployment speeds..........

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I have heard a lot of people say that they would only ever want a PD reserve.

For example, I am told that the Raven has an inherant slow left turn (god knows how) and that there are other issues with other brands.

Now NONE of that is personal knowledge, but when Im told this by DZ staff and people with a lot of jumps I guess theres got to be something behind it.

Personally though... how on earth do you manage to design a canopy with an inbuilt turn and sell it like that?? Doesnt seem plausable to me.

Anyone else heard this? or any other stories about reserves??

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I am told that the Raven has an inherant slow left turn (god knows how) and that there are other issues with other brands.

Now NONE of that is personal knowledge, but when Im told this by DZ staff and people with a lot of jumps I guess theres got to be something behind it.

---->> I wouldnt give it too much credence, one very modern dz in the northwest has nothing good to say about tempo reserves, or triathlon mains...."they call them die athlons"............both work just fine....... everyone has personal preferences........... irregardless of how experienced they are, they allow their pre-concieved notions to influence their advice they dispense....

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Shoot, half the harnesses out there are still TSO 23 B. (Ok maybe not half but a lot, hmmm may be more than half) One problem is matching reserve ratings and testing limits with harness ratings and testing limits. There are some mismatched components available now. Not in function, but in load rating.

To me, no it doesn't make much difference what reserve, until you get to some older 1st and 2nd generation squares based on design and some of the rounds based on deployment method. Ravens aren't the only reserve with AWD's or service bulletins. A lot of the opinions out there are based on marketing.:P But, hey if the marketing makes you feel good, go for it.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Personally though... how on earth do you manage to design a canopy with an inbuilt turn and sell it like that?? Doesnt seem plausable to me.

I've seen a few Ravens with "built in" turns, and I've heard about a few more. It's not every canopy, and the turns that I saw/heard about required no more than a half inch or so of toggle to correct. Ravens were the most popular reserve when and where I started jumping, and while we knew about the problem, none of us really worried about it - we didn't figure it was gonna be that big of a deal to hold one toggle down a bit further than the other on a reserve ride.

Then again, very few of us loaded our reserves at 1.0; most were loaded well under that.

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For example, I am told that the Raven has an inherant slow left turn (god knows how).

(Generally) A reason for that can be assymetrical sewing.

I can recommend the Paratec Speed 2000. New material, packing small (my 135 packs smaller than PD-126) and holds higher loadings/depl.speeds.
Reasonably priced, too.
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correction, afew resevve in catagory have tested to height weights than required been have advertised higher certification for speed.

huh?? eather your spelling, grammar, or english is bad, because I have NO idea what you are trying to say... could you restate that please?

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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