
Why psyco pack a Safire2?

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I pyscho pack my Safire 1 simply because it is the manufacturer's recommendation. I would caution you strongly against going against any manufaturer's recommendation for packing. Advantages for me? quick, easy and easier to manage the ZP fabric when it's new.

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I would caution you strongly against going against any manufaturer's recommendation for packing.

I've pro-packed my Safire 1 for over 650 jumps now with absolutely no concern. The only reason this method is recommended is that the founder of the manufacturer created this method, and it is therefore his own (and adopted by the company) personal PREFERENCE.

Youz jumps it, youz pack it ANY WAY YOU WANT! (including considering psycho-pack) There are proponents, and opponents to either method.

My .02
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Icarus actually recommends Pro-packing the Omega and the Crossfire...

Actually, when I demo'd the Crossfire2 at Rantoul I asked Simon about that. He told me that psycho-packing it would be fine.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
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Actually, when I demo'd the Crossfire2 at Rantoul I asked Simon about that. He told me that psycho-packing it would be fine.

Agreed. On the rare occasions that I do pack, I psycho pack my CF2 and it opens just fine.

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Has anyone who REGULARLY does this, had/found any concerns over line-burn to any of the canopy's skin? Line burn has been relayed to me as the primary concern with utilizing this pack method, due to the way the canopy keeps pressure upon the lines as it unrolls/is pulled out of the d-bag. Supposedly S-folds do not present the same consistent contact/pressure. Looking for actual experience / input here.

Although I like the way my canopy opens, and the ease of the pack job utilizing the psycho-pack, I don't regularly do it for just this reason. Any hands-on experience/observations from anyone who REGULARLY psycho-packs?

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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This will probably become one of those never-ending preference debates... here's my $.02:

I've found that getting a brand new ZP in the bag is a lot simpler using the psycho-pack. However, after the ZP is "broken-in," I go back to pro-packing.

I am old-school and still believe the best prevention against malfunctions is line order and line tension. IMO, the psycho-pack does not maintain either.

I've only owned Icarus canopies. Well... that's kind of a fib... My rounds were Paracommanders, Sparrows, etc...

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