
Project Horizon Stage V

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Greetings Freeflyers,

In light of an unexpected world record attempt in the middle east and more and more regional medium- big way VRW events, we have decided to take 1 year off of Project Horizon. Look for the initational VRW event to be back in the summer of 2007 at Skydive Chicago. Dates will be announced next fall. Blue Skies.

Dave Donnelly

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whats the criteria for being part of ph in 07. i heard something like a 4 pt 8 way or 8 pt 4 way. is that true. if so where do i send the video?
we will miss the awsome shots of ph this year but its not everyday you all get a full paid slot and accomidations iin dubai!
have a blast in u.a.e! lucky bastards!

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Thanks Vert. As far as entry requirements, we're not sure yet what we will be looking for in '07. we are reducing the max number of people to around 40. This will be the first time we will have put a cap on PH. I would guess that we will invite former particiants, then for the remaining slots we will be looking for the most qualified flyers as far as sequential experience. Hope this helps.


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