
Riggers: Should someone buy a used reserve with 2 jumps?

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I just posted in talk back, but I wanted to here from some riggers. I am looking into a container, res, main, and cypress as a package deal. The reserve has 2 jumps on it. Am I better off finding one with 0 jumps, or is this one OK. How amny reserve rides is it usually good for?

I hear many people get rid of them after 5 or 6 reserve rides.


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Jumps don't put significant wear on a reserve parachute, pack jobs do. I believe that PD requires all of their reserves be returned for a factory inspection after 40 pack jobs. Something to think about....

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Have it looked over by a rigger and find out if the deployments were terminal or sub-terminal. 2 rides doesn't wear a canopy out, main or reserve. I have seen damage to reserves from gear bag zippers, trees, car doors, etc, but never from deployment. Not to say that it doesn't happen, it does, but it is unlikely, especially for sub-terminal deployments.


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(My response copied from Talk Back)
Yes... have it looked over just the same as if it was never jumped.

2 jumps on a parachute is almost never something to be alarmed about.

One of my reserves has 14 rides on it (2 unplanned and 12 planned under controlled conditions) I'd still jump it if it were larger. The one I'm currently usinng has 4 or 5 jumps with one water landing. (2 rides were mine, the water and the other rides were someone else)

After inspection including a porosity test, they both proved to be quite airworthy.

Parachutes take a beating.

Hope that helps.
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I believe that PD requires all of their reserves be returned for a factory inspection after 40 pack jobs. Something to think about....

With a repack exactly every 120 days and no delays in between, thats 13 years.B|

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two jumps should not be a problem, but best will be for you to have it checked out by a rigger you trust, which may cost you a repack, but will ease your mind.
If your rigger gives it the ok, buy it.

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