
Flash for digital stills? help

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I don't think you'll find a ring flash is nearly powerful enough (that isn't huge). I have a whopping 3 jumps with a flash... but everything I've read on the subject, and my limited experience, tells me that the more power, the better.

Mounting the flash is another story. You'll probably have to get creative. My 580II is attached with some velcro (well, something similar to velcro anyway) and an altimeter wrist strap. Light and cheap (free).


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Wow.. where to begin with this... A Ringflash will work but it is a waste of money for skydiving, instead look at using an off shoe cord with any flash and then mount the flash laying down. Look at some of the threads of the people that are jumping flashes already to get ideas on how to mount it to various helmets.

I'm just thinking about using flash after 600 photography jumps. I've also been working with 2 flash units on the ground to understand them before I'll jump with them.
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i have made a dozen or so jumps with my cannon 580 ex II. i mount mine on top of my bh box with velcro and fastec strap on a ftp.. here is the deal,, it is freakin great when u get the distance right and the shot right.. you can really screw it up too. it is very heavy to add when u have video, stills and flash,, it is a very noticeable difference.. i have used them on night jumps and they work great. if you can really afford the 500 bucks and dont mind the weight... they are fantastic, but u might not use it as much as you want due to the negatives... if u have any questions,, pm

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How many camera jumps do you have with a still camera? Looks like your profile is a bit out of currency.
For the record i shoot flash on every jump with a 580 2 speedlight and a cycler.

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I just started jumping the camera this year. Picked up a new hobby in photography last winter so decided to mount it on a helmet this summer. Decided to pick up some new gear this winter and don't want to buy something if I can't eventually incorporate it into skydiving. I love this sport everyone worries about you. No worries only jumping it with 2 or 3 ways so far.

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I gotta agree here. You should be COMPLETELY comfortable jumping w/ the video BEFORE you start using a still.....and more so before you start jumping a flash. Having said that, I've been using a 580 and use it all the time. It's heavy and adds to the many snag hazards...and the knowledge of understanding your camera. I love the effects you get.

Also...you should be quite proficient at flying your body so you can get to where you want to be to take the shot....instead of just holding the switch and flying all over the place.
my pics & stuff!

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Ok, first off looking at your avatar, I would say looks like you only have a still on that helmet, and wit hthat helmet type a flash would be almost impossible.

I agree with what some people are saying but also disagree with others....

I have been doing video and stills primarally for 5 years....8-10 jumps, like others said...get proficient with the video first....unless you plan to be still only, for the art not for work...then same rule applies, get used to wearing the still, deploying with it, flyign on many axis wit hit, cause any videographer will tell you, you fly alot diffrently weather it be on your belly, back or head when you have thtat big rutter on your head. Next reason, a still camera is the heaviest thing you can put on your head....this is where i disagree with others...a flash is VERY light in comparison to a still camera, video camera or even the helmets made specifically for mounting them.

Which bringe me to the mounting aspect...there are many diffrent ways for many diffrent helmets, i will only tell you mine and why i choose it. I jump a BH Flat Top Pro...most real estate you can find for mounting until you get into custom build helmets. I have my video (TRV-33...yeah an oldie but goodie) and Cannon Dig Rebel XTI both mounted on top side by side....yes the BH FTP does come with a camera L bracket in front for camera mounting, but i have found that the camera mounted up top acts less like a rutter then it does in front, also I like to have the majority of the weight on my head centerd on my head....reduces the neck snapping factor come deployment time. Next I mount my Cannon 550EX Speedlight to the front (previeously mentioned camers mount) with a camera off shoe cord...attaching it is jujst a matter of a few velcro straps, like i said before it is VERY light anddosent need much securing. But then again its your investment, protect it as you will.

I know i rambled on alot, but ive been up all night so im tired and bored...hope you get the answers you need. And my typing sucks so im not gona spell check this to see how horrrible it is.

found an old thread of mine with my setup... enjoy

"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Ok, first off looking at your avatar, I would say looks like you only have a still on that helmet, and with that helmet type a flash would be almost impossible./

Why is that ?

I have seen helmets like that mounted with two flashes plus a video. I agree that with this kind of large setup maby FTP or similar is more practical.

However, if you mount only still + flast, I personally would propably go for a smaller profile helmet like the one in OP´s avatar.. No need for a huge FTP IMO.

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A couple of weeks ago I finished re-manufacturing my flash bracket using the assistance of a friend of mine that has a number of very nice tools for working with aluminum.

I probably should post pictures of my helmet setup again with the new flash bracket...

I only have on jump with a flash but will probably do more jumps next season.

I have an FTP and can mount the flash a couple of configurations such that I can, if I chose to, jump with the just the flash and the still or that I can jump with the flash, still, and video camera.

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