
Wireless SD Card (WiFi)

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Yes, you heard it right.


Could be interesting to speed up the whole copy process... Pictures upload instantly to any device (or the web: flickr, picasa, etc..) when you have wifi access.

Question: Is it possible with a directive antenna to bridge 4km wifi? Then you could see the pictures while still in freefall... would be awesome for the spectators!


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Question: Is it possible with a directive antenna to bridge 4km wifi?

Theoretically? Yes, no problem. Up to 20km should work....

Practically? No. You would have to adjust both antennas - hard to do in freefall.

I`m thinking of live air2ground video for years, but everythime I looked after it turns out to be waaaay out of budget. I think, 802.11b/g/n is not a solution for that at all.

WIMAX (802.16) could be the answer, but all products I am aware of are carrier-class (=expensive) right now :-(

There are products used for Formula-1 racing etc. but these are professional products (=expensive too) used by broadcasters...



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I sent them an email asking about CF adapters and they sent me this link to another company: http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/eye-fi-wifi-memory/ They bundle the card with a CF to SD adapter and they say it works with DSLRs.

I haven't tried it. I would be interested to know if anyone has. It might make the work-flow easier at a tandem operation.

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