
How many of you vidiots can do this?

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I've only been shooting RW and Tandems for a year but i keep all of my DV tapes. I never record over anything and i write the date i put the tape in my camera and the date i took it out on all of them. So if anyone rings me and can tell me what date they did their jump, i can make them a new copy.

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Someone just called me this evening and said that their tandem video had been eaten by the VCR (remember VHS tapes?)

Anyway, could I send them a new copy.

They jumped in July 2002 :o

I am burning a DVD for them now :)

I still log all ofmy jumps. When I do a tandem I write:

Jump#: Tandem vid and/or stills, name of tandem student.

On my tapes I write the start date and the end date.
I keep all of my tapes. in the last 500 jumps I think I DIDNT wear a camera on 5 jumps. 3 of them were night jumps.

I use my logbook and video as a diary LOL.
I enter fun things that happened on ecah jump.there have been times that My girlfriend would ask me about some obscure event and I would go to the book and say, yup that happened on january 5th 2004. there were 6 people on the load, here are the names etc.....

I also write things that happened on the ground. but these are things that will evetunally be brought up again, orifI go through my book It will makeme laugh
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Something that one of our TM's does is to get his student to write something on that page of his logbook before leaving. Each jump has its own page.

This way he saves having to write anything himself and he's gotten quite a few interesting comments from his customers ta boot.

That, and dates on the start/end of tapes really helps with the book keeping. I even slate each day before the first jump just so I have that catalogued for future reference. B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I was thinking of doing that a while ago but I dont use one page per jump.

I just write the number and a brief description this way don't go through a book/year.

I couldn'timagine how many books someone who works as a full time jumper wouldgo through.

BTW- My space barsucks!
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I was thinking of doing that a while ago but I dont use one page per jump.

Yeah. For myself I put one -day- on a page. Unless something pretty important happends. That might get a page of its own. :P


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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