
what are you going to use once the PC´s are off the market?

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So Sony are in thier final year of producing p.c. cameras.

what is your next purchase going to be?

I hear HDV is the way forward?
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So Sony are in thier final year of producing p.c. cameras.

what is your next purchase going to be?

I hear HDV is the way forward?

Seeing I can still get several 5 to 6 year old Sony PC range models (new) with a bit of searching...Im not worried..

But when I finaly need a new camera, I'll see whats hot by then..
Seeing that PC 'style' HDV models are coming out from other manifacturers (JVC I believe) Sony will probably do the same at some point...

We'll see...
I'm an Athlete?

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That looks like a sweet camera. I wonder, will we still be able to Firewire footage to eachother in the future, seeing as it will probably come with some forms of DRM.

This might be a video camera that is better top mounted, which would mean I could move my stills to the side of my head. Anybody jumping stills on the side? I think the framing would actually improve for wingsuiting, where you're mostly taking pictures looking at the side.


Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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When the video camera is as expensive as the stills/lens....
you really are going to have to think hard about which one is going to be sidemounted without a box !

I mean its like having two nice pigs and having to pick one to send for slaughter !

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i ruined my pc105e i now got myself a dcr-hc96e its an awsome cam i still just has a few cons:

You need to go into the menu to set the manual focus.

You need the docing station to firewire

besides that i think its a great cam

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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