
Saving my First Jump DVD - HELP!!!

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I need some help from you video & computer gurus...

I'm afraid my First Jump DVD is degenerating, and I'll be crushed if I lose it for good - please help!!!

The DVD was made almost 2 years ago. I was watching it the other night (for old time's sake :)
It doesn't seem to have any scratches or any other defects... It has been stored in it's case and out of sunlight.

I have tried to save it onto my computer - or onto another DVD - but I can't get it to work. I figure if I can get it copied onto my hard drive or another DVD before it totally degenerates, I can save it. Can someone help me?!?!?!

I have a Dell Inspiron 8500 with a DVD-R in it (I know... it's not a Mac ;)). The DVD says it's an Apple DVD-R 4X 4.7GB Media.

Thank you in advance!!!!! :)

"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." -- Amelia Earhart

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ALL media detriorates over time. Even things written in stone.

The important thing is to IMMDIATELY find a way to make a copy of the media. This may involve trying to do so in several computers and with several different DVD drives until you are successful.

Once you've made one copy, make another one and put it in a safe, climate controlled environment such as a bank safety deposit box. Then, every few years repeat the process.

I'd actually suggest doing this to any valuable data files you have.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i have used AOA DVD ripper in the past and it works pretty good. it will let you copy a 10 minute movie using the free evaluation.

i have used it to copy my first tandem and a couple fun jumps before so i can break them down and reedit them.


_______________The only thing in life that doesnt take effort is failure________________

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very important.... first step... make a copy... if u cant make a copy directly to another dvd make a copy on ur harddisck and after burn it to a new dvd
as quade said repet this process and secure the copy...

"jump, have fun, pull"

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The problem is, I don't know how to get it copied onto my hard drive...

When I go into my D: drive, it says there are the following folders:


It says the AUDIO_TS folder is empty.

In the VIDEO_TS folder there are the following files:

VIDEO_TS (IFO File) 12.0Kb
VIDEO_TS.BUP (BUP File) 12.0Kb
VTS_01_1 (IFO File) 20Kb
VTS_01_1.BUP (BUP File) 20Kb
VTS_01_1.VOB (VOB File) 653MB

I've tried copying them to my hard drive, but when I click on them, the computer tries to open each file individually and it says it doesn't know what program created it so it can't open it.

Please help?

"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." -- Amelia Earhart

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u can make a "image" iso file with NERO or other writing software on ur harddisk
select "dvd copy" from the left menu
after it u`ll have 3 tabs "image" "copy options" "burn"
select the "image" tab and u`ll have the place where the new IMAGE (actualy an image of the DVD) will be saved.... be sure the "delete file after copy" is UNMARKED

after it you will be able to write any copy`s of this IMAGE on dvd with the option "burn IMAGE"

In the main window "recoreder" tab select "burn IMAGE"
select the image from ur harddisc and the DVD will be burn

PS... sorry for my silly english but it`s not my native language.... u can PM me with any questions or if u dont have the NERO software i can give u a link with a free version of it

"jump, have fun, pull"

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I'm happy to help, drop me a PM or other mail.
Your first jump DVD can be salvaged, most likely. Making a copy with a Miranda extraction, or with any nuimber of similar tools, will get you a new copy. It can then be reauthored, etc.

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Slayer152 - my video is 11min 17 sec... I don't think it will work if it only takes 10 mins. Thank you so much though. :)
Shunkka, jtval & DSE - I'm out of town right now, but as soon as I get back I am going to try your advice. Thank you so much for helping me out... It's really important to me that I salvage this video... Out of all the First Jump Videos I've seen thus far - mine is truly a work of art... It's important to me for a thousand reasons... Thank you. :)

"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." -- Amelia Earhart

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