
Camera suggestions for non flier

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I know this has been posted a hundred times, and I've spent the last week reading threads in this forum. I'm currently up to about page 30, with 100 more to go.

Let me try to explain the situation as briefly as possible. I am probably going to be getting a job at my DZ in the very near future editing tandem videos. Right now we have a few dedicated videographers, but it would be more cost effective for them to hand their tapes off to a dedicated editor, and I am learning the process. We currently use a linear set-up (3 actually), with digital video mixers, audio mixers, titlers, and a vhs as output. In the near future, they are planning on converting to a straight to DVD set-up and eliminating the vhs system entirely.

I'm considering purchasing a camera so that I can begin getting used to having my own equipment and getting to know it well. From reading the many threads on this topic, I think the pc-105 is the best bet for what my goals are (initially, just a player for editing the videos, and eventually, to put on a helmet and film with it, but that is a long ways off).

The former lead videographer at my DZ had (I believe) an extra camera that he was going to let me use to do the editing with, so that the others would just have to give me their tapes, but he died last week, and we did not work together for very long, so there is a lot that I don't know.

So I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if the 105 is a good camera for this use, and for camera flying in general (I prefer the single unit, non docking station cameras, but have almost zero experience with these cameras), and would it be worth it for me to purchase one in the near future (finances permitting) for my own use, or would it be advisable to just use another spare around the DZ for the editing, and purchase a newer model in another year or two when I get ready to begin jumping my own camera?



Edit: The videographers at the DZ currently use pc-109s and pc-9s I think, possibly a 105 or two in there. I know some of the freeflyers have 109s and 101s also, but can't give much more detail than that.

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You list your home DZ as Carolina Sky Sports. How large is this DZ?

IMO, the DZ should buy their own editing system, including the player you'll be dubbing from. It should not be a personal purchase.

Secondly, putting a camera through the thrashing it would recieve in being the primary player would wear it out quickly. If the DZ wants to set up a recording studio it should buy that camera. But better yet a tape player (not a camera).


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As I am new to the sport and have not been to many DZs (mine and Deland only), I can't compare sizes, although we are moderate to large, I would estimate. The DZ owns some of the editing equipment (maybe all) and some of it (I think) is owned by the videographers, but I could be wrong on that.

You recommend a tape player. I've seen a miniDV player mentioned here a few times, but no brand suggestions or comparisons. Do you know what a good brand/model is, and roughly how much they cost?



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"I've seen a miniDV player mentioned here a few times, but no brand suggestions or comparisons. Do you know what a good brand/model is, and roughly how much they cost?"

I have a Sony one, but I don't think they make them anymore.:|
My one cost a little more than a (then standard) Mini dv camera, about 800 pounds uk, about 5 years ago.

I love mine and won't part with it.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Outside of Perris, SDC and one or two other DZ's I'm yet to see where the DZ buys everything and the jumpers just film. As an Independent Contractor (what you are in the IRS eyes to the DZ) often you are expected to provide your own equipment. Its actually better to have some of your own so if you leave the DZ you already know the equipment you are taking to your next DZ since its yours.

CSS is a fairly large East Coast DZ. Its the largest between FL and Crosskeys. Ask around, there is plenty of experience at the DZ to get you going once you get into video. From what I know of CSS its a total non-linear shop so you don't need to worry about importing anything to a computer.

In your case one of the new HC series cameras would fit the bill nicely. The cheapest one is just over $400. The price of a repair from Sony on any other camera is at least 275 so wven a cheap ebay buy is going to be hard to beat the HC cameras. If you make only $5 per edit its only going to take 80+ edits to pay it off. I've got a PC110 thats ran probally 25 tapes through it with no signs of wear yet. Once you've got the experience the HC is top mountable too.
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From what (little) I've seen, the HC series seems to be wider, and less easily side mountable (which seems like a more common configuration, at least at my DZ).

Another thing I thought of is remote control issues. Have any of you ever encountered a problem where the remote for one system (say the camera or DV player) sending a signal to another piece of equipment (VCR of DVD recorder, for instance)? With our current setup, we use a remote for the camera and I don't know of any problems, but if we were to get a Sony DV player and a DVD recorder, that might change. I've worked around A/V for a long time and have not seen or heard many problems along these lines, but I'm not very familiar with the more modern equipment.



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Outside of Perris, SDC and one or two other DZ's I'm yet to see where the DZ buys everything and the jumpers just film. As an Independent Contractor (what you are in the IRS eyes to the DZ) often you are expected to provide your own equipment.

Yes, I know this. However, if a DZ is planning on hiring a full-time editor then I would expect them to pay for the editing equipment. Including the player.

At most operations the cameraflyer does all the dubbing themselves, and play directly from their own camera. I grew up on one where the cameraflyer not only dubbed onto a tv/video recorder combo and used a cassette player for the music. And....at the same time this was going on did the tandem pack jobs between loads.

On a large DZ (and this is why I asked the original poster what size his DZ is) just the tandems alone would burn out a video camera very quickly.


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I've been told that on a busy day, we will have 20-40 tandems a day on the weekends, which is when I will working there. I don't know how that compares to other DZs, but I know we are pretty decently sized. The owner owns 2 DZs (the other being Lake Wales) and somewhere close to 20 aircraft, I believe.

This weekend I will try to talk to the remaining videographers and see what their plan is. If they have to buy the equipment, I doubt that an additional $1300 for a dedicated player will happen. If the DZ pays for it, that may be another story.

I'm also trying to do research into the DVD recorders. From what I've read on here, it seems -R is the more widely used format. I've also seen it mentioned that some models come with a built in hard drive that leader footage can be stored on, but I have not found much on that subject from what I've read so far (I've only read back to page 46 in this forum). Do any of you use a DVD record with pre-made leader footage that you simply append your videos to? If so, what brand and model?



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Perris can do from 50 to 70 tandems in a weekend day. They have 2 dedicated editors who trade off on weekends. One is a wuffo. The other one just had her 30th birthday bash. :^)

However, a 20-40 tandem day is still a big operation, IMHO. If a cameraflyer is editing he would usually use his own camera to do so. If an editor was to sit there and grab tapes and let the cameraflyer go right back up again I'd vote for a dedicated Sony minidv player to dubb from. Let them buy it.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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at our d.z. we have a dedicated editer! they use a computer, adobe premier and a camera for importing.

the result is absolutely incredible we have a professionaly made leader and fading icons set up on a template. our editer can produce 3 dvd's in a turbine cresco load (20min) i have edited many videos on the camera with dubbing station and produced some pretty good video's but nothing can compare to a fully edited video/dvd that has been done on the computer.

good luck in your endeavours
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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"Sony makes a mini-dv deck called a Video Walkman"

Coolio, I couldn't see one on the Sony European site.
I have the predecessor to the 200 (mine is a 300:S), I wish I'd bought one with a screen. I've used a DVCAM version with a screen and like it even more.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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This weekend I will try to talk to the remaining videographers and see what their plan is. If they have to buy the equipment, I doubt that an additional $1300 for a dedicated player will happen. If the DZ pays for it, that may be another story.

Steve, had been working on streamlining the tandam video process for a long time. What should be done is easy. What can be done with the issues of money, DZ politics and a transient video staff is the hard part.
I would love to have a deicated video editor at CSS. Other local DZs are doing this and it is working well. If you want to talk about it , PM me for a phone number. I may be up there this weekend but if I am I don't usually sit still long anough for a reasonable conversation.

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