
Favorite cataloging for video

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What is everyones favorite method or software for cataloging your video?

I've finally burned out of my method of naming each clip like "2 way freefly", or "Sunset 8 way RW" and I'm looking to start taking my capturing and editing to the next level and I see the first place I need to start is just getting the video so its workable in the first place.

I know some things like Avid have some sort of cataloger built in but I don't have Avid. I'm currently using Premiere 6.5 and moving to Premiere Pro 1.5 this spring possibly.

What I'm hoping is somewhere out there is a program or function in a program that will let me create a whole list of keywords to use to search for a clip in the future. So if I want to get a clip of a 2 way freefly with Seth at sunset out of an Otter I don't have to watch every file named 2 way freefly.

Anyone get what I'm saying? :$
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There are programs for cataloging art files and the such. Extensis Portofolio is a popular one and one you should look at. Adobe has think has one too,

I use one caled cumulus and has a few features the others didn't have, I'm not sure now.

It really starts with a accurate way of catologing the clips/pictures or art files.

when I capture a clip in Premiere, I lable it 041220-????

the number sequence is 2 digits per year/month/date-????

This way your computer will sort it properly as a file and the ?? can be a short description.

The good thing about the programs is it will catalog removable media along with hardrives. My biggest suggestion is doing "production burns" of files while the project is in progress. It will save you in the long run. Then when you are completley finished archive the whole project.

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iView Media Pro http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/imaging_3d/iviewmediapro.html

I use this mostly for keeping track of digital still files, but it works with just about anything including movie files.

Available for the Mac.

Unfortunately, their web site was taken down by a worm yesterday, so, it might be a day or three before you can see all the cool features. The demo does download from their site, but, um, I wouldn't trust it right now if you know what I mean.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well I haven't done a whole lot of video capture and editing at this stage (waiting on when I have a better computer) but I use a system that would be easily adaptable to computer files, when I label my miniDV tapes: I put just the jump number down. That way I can refer back to my logbook for more details about the jump and don't have to waste space trying to describe the whole clip when I am catalogueing. I'm sure an Access database would work well for this especially if you kept your logbook in an electronic form in Access as well.

This is probably very elementary and simple and nothing that someone hasn't already thought of, so I'm not sure why I took the time to write it. :S

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
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Peter, That program is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Lets me enter key words, multi media capible, Windows, autoindexes, the whole deal. I'm ordering a copy before this 30 day demo runs out. Thank you!

Next time we meet up, beer is on me for this great tip!
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I haven't tried Portfolio so I can't really draw a comparison.

I mostly use iView for my still photos. Download, edit, rename, make a web page or two if required. I keep a master catalog of ALL my photos so that if I need to find a particular one, it's pretty easy. However it works with just about any digital asset; photos, movies, sounds . . .
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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