
charging a tandem

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How do you charge? (It's not how much).

Here, when de passenger arrives, he decides if he wants video/photo. If yes, we go there and jump with him/her. If not, we don't go.

As I've read here, I think that in some DZ the camera goes anyway and then later shows the work. Is that?

How do you do? You tell the pax that you'll be there and he can decide later if he wants the shoots?

I'm a terrible salesman...


salsicha - shaggy
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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We have two different scenarios for selling video to tandem students.
If they request video ahead of time (over the phone or after listening to a sales pitch from manifest), we assign one of our staff videographers.

If they do not request video - and if there is an empty seat on the airplane - any staff videographer has the option of "specing" the video. After landing, the "speculative" videographer shows them raw footage and invites them to buy it.
"Spec" sales vary from 25% to 75% depending upon the attitude of the student (i.e. did they bring any spare cash) and the salesmanship of the videographer.
Some DZs charge videographers - a jump ticket - every time they "spec," while others only charge if the video sells.

This year I short-circuited the whole "spec" process by strapping a camera to my left hand. Now I "spec" video every tandem jump I make.

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At our DZ, the videographers are independent contractors, separate from the DZ but we have a rotation to decide who films the next tandem.

I tell them up front that my charge is $75 (I pay for my own jump ticket). For that they get a VHS video and a CD-ROM with still images (taken from the video). DVD is $25 more.

If nobody wants video, I sometimes jump anyway and film whoever I think is the most likely to buy the video after the dive. I offer to show it to them free, no obligation. Then I offer them a $65 special deal. They usually buy it.

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Hi docjohn,
The resolution of the video is 72 dpi, if you give them photos from the video, you're giving them pictures with only 72 dpi. I'm right? How do you do?


salsicha - shaggy
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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Video isn't 72dpi, but it is low resolution: 704x480 (NTSC), 704x576 (PAL). That makes for marginal 4x6in prints. Decent for web use.

A friend who bought video out at Lodi said that the video guy took film anyway, and then was extremely persistent in trying to sell it to her for another $20. It left a bad impression on her and seemed rather unseemly. Probably would have worked better if the images were digital and previewable.

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Yeah, the quality of still images taken from digital video is fair at best. I tell them that up front. I tell them these jpegs are for emailing to friends and making small prints, not blowing up into 8x10. My customers seem to like them anyway. I don't charge them any extra for making stills (we charge $75 for just video).

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If nobody wants video, I sometimes jump anyway and film whoever I think is the most likely to buy the video after the dive. I offer to show it to them free, no obligation. Then I offer them a $65 special deal. They usually buy it.


Yesterday manifest mentioned that I sell more handy-cam "spec" videos than outside videographers.
The eager young lads always offer to "spec" chicks with big boobs, instead of guys with big wallets!

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