
Suggestions about my Promo?

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I would like for you to check out my trailer and let me know what you think.

I plan on using this at the beginning of all the tandem vids that I do.

If you click on the link below, log in, then minimize that window so your back to this post then click on this link again and it will take you there.

There may be an easier way to get there but I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks for your time,

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Not bad, I liked it!
(if you are open to constructive criticism the here goes)
The beginning Name and Phone # went by pretty quick, think about giving them time to read it, but I liked what you did by putting it at the end again. Thats good business sense to constantly promote the DZ. If you have more footage of tandems to add onto it that would make it a little longer, but not make it too long, you don't want the leader to be longer than the actual jump or the student feels ripped off. I like a leader to be between 3 and 4 minutes. Does your DZ do AFF's and do you video them too, if so then maybe a quick clip of one. Another suggestion would be at the end have something like "and now your jump or your skydive". and then a fade to black or to the jump.
All in all good job on it, I liked it and good luck.
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Thanks for your comments.

I was trying very hard to keep the timing with the music at the front of the clip right so I had to shorten the name and phone #. I will consider adding some aff footage but I was wanting to show some really cool footage to wet their appetite to pursue the sport but also wanted to show some tandem footage so they would understand that tandem is just as much a skydive as any other and they are a skydiver.

Thanks again for your input,

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The beginning Name and Phone # went by pretty quick

I agree completely, first thing i noticed when i watched it....I had no clue where the DZ was because i never got a chance to read it.


I like a leader to be between 3 and 4 minutes. Does your DZ do AFF's and do you video them too, if so then maybe a quick clip of one. Another suggestion would be at the end have something like "and now your jump or your skydive". and then a fade to black or to the jump.
All in all good job on it, I liked it and good luck.

Dalailama is at my DZ alot, and i did the leader for their tandems, it sounds like he is talking about mine here.

I put mostly Tandems and AFF in there because that would more relate to what they are doing and what they will progress onto if they start jumping. I do have a few clips of fun jumps, FF, BM, RW but not much. And at the end it says "And now, your skydive" then fades to black.

But overall I liked it....and whats the name of that song?
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Looks good dude,

Some advice (this is just my opinion) remove the exit shots and replace them with 'faster' shots to give the feeling of speed, I have found that customers respond better to the feeling of speed. Or cut it just as they let go of the plane.

I've added this link so you can look at mine and complain/compare/criticize. B|



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If you're gonna quote him, spell his name right:
Da Vinci

I'd try to stick with a similar font all the way through as well...that would help give a bit of continuity that you're lacking--Try to tell the story of a skydive--be it a tandem or a fun jumper.

just a thought.


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I wasn't sure about that spelling. I actually got it from a post here(I should have known skydivers can't spell).

I understand what you are saying about continuity and I probably will change fonts. I was trying to go for some variety and some old looking text for an old quote.

I really wasn't trying to tell a story. I just wanted to show some cool shots so when the student takes their vid home and watches it over and over again(like I did mine)it will stimulate them to pursue the sport.

Thanks for your comments,

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Very nice, I pretty much agree that the titles were to short, and I think you could organize it i.e. start with a TDM video with a title saying what it is that folks are looking at then freeflyn, rw, aff if you guys do it ect-ect. The general public does not see skydiving the way we do so you can pretty much do what you want and they like it.

Good Luck

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