
fogging lense

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Thanks for the help on my last question. Here is another. I am using a Sony PC101 and a sony wide angle with a uv lense and stepup ring. In winter or cold weather ,during freefall my lense fogs up. I don't know if it is the wide angle or the uv filter. What can i do to stop this. The fogging is a circle right in the middle of my picture right over the tandem pass face[:/]
I am me and you are you, so deal with it!!!

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Do a search for CatCrap... it works great for me in a hot and humid environment... I usually don't have too many issues in winter, but it should work then too since it is generally marketed for ski goggles.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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where do you have to put the catcrap ?? outside of the wide angle ? inside the wide angle ? Outside the camera lens ?
And what if the fogging is inside the camera lens ??
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I use it on every glass surface I can... it is a great cleaner too... if you are fogging inside the camera, you need to do whatever you can to avoid getting moisture inside... camera condom, tape, whatever... Also, avoid constantly taking the camera from one temp to another... i.e. from air conditioned space to hot humid outside, or in winter from warm, generally moister air inside to cool dry air outside... when you have drastic extremes, leave the camera outside as much as possible to avoid condensation.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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just ordered a stock of catcrap, and using a condom 8(for the camera :P) and tape between the wide angle and cam, trying to keep it as dry aspossible...
thanks for the advice
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I don't know nuffin about cat crap but I do know this works.

Buy a UV filter for a stills camera where the glass is the same size as your sony wide angle at the big end.
Remove the metal from the UV filter and put the glass on the end of your sony wide angle. Fix it with some insulation tape.
No more fogging.
Every vidiot on my DZ uses this method.

I can't see the cat stuff working because the fogging is taking place inside the wide angle lense.

Fallschirmsport Marl

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