
Premiere 6.0

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Hi. One minute ago I read advice on dropzone.com about Premiere 6. I have problem with this program. When I import movie on timeline I can”t play movie properly in window MONITOR (movie “jump” and “get stuck”). What kind of settings of program do you use? (general, video , audio). Thanks for help. Have a good day. Peter.

P.S. Sorry for my poor English.

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I'm using Premiere 6.5. When I start the program, I accept the U.S. Defaults (DV - NTSC @ 32kHz), then with my camera connected, I go to File, Capture, and select Batch Capture. That captures it in AVI which I then drop to my timeline. If you're seeing the movie get stuck a lot, it's directly related to your RAM and the location of the Adobe Program. While I don't have my setup configured optimally, you should really have Adobe running on a partitioned HDD and should have at least 512MB of memory. 1GB is recommended. You can check Adobe's support page for more info or access the online help: Adobe.

Hope that helps...[:/]

I also found a good site a while back with online tutorials that was absolutely incredibly helpful: Wrigley Video Production Online Tutorials.:)

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One thing that may help - once you've transfered the video from your camera onto your PC, make sure to disconnect the camera. If you leave your camera plugged in, your PC will attempt to display the video in two places, and it will get choppy.


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Hi Peter,
What are the specs of your computer, and are you shutting everything down so that it is not being distracted by background stuff.
Try using 'enditall' Google for it, its free.
Google for 'raptest' and use it to check your computer's disc read write speeds.
Have you partitioned your hard drive so that the video is being stored on a separate partition from the operating system?
For Poland you want the premiere preset for PAL DV.
Finally, make sure you have no effects, overlays, transitions, or filters applied, test the system on unaltered footage.
Try these, and you may find a more fluid editing experience.
Call back if none of this works.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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hi guys, i am having the same problem. i have a 1ghz with 512ram running win98. so i tried that program enditall and after that now premier won't even open. i used to be able to download the video from my camera no problem but lately i am having a lot of issues. anyone want to help me out?


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While I don't have my setup configured optimally, you should really have Adobe running on a partitioned HDD and should have at least 512MB of memory. 1GB is recommended.


I am using Premiere 6.5 on 1.6Gig Centrino running windows XP Pro, 40GB hard drive and 512 RAM. How would I partition my HDD, and why would this help? I have not really had too many problems with it, but I am still new to it. Thanks in advance

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A partitioned HDD just keeps the processor from having to work too hard searching when files start to become fragmented.

Just to upload a 45 min DV takes almost 20GB of disk space for me. If you had partitioned HDD or a 2nd HDD all together (I'd really like a 160GB or more) then you could run the program (really all your multimedia programs) and save your projects and finished products on that HDD. Would just be more efficient in terms of searching the disk.B|

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"How would I partition my HDD, and why would this help?"
I use "Partition Magic" software.
Katiebear got it about right, it lightens the load on the pooter.
Premiere and many other similar progs work by creating little preview video files of effects or rendered footage, and then playing all the video files seamlessly one after the other, while simultaneously doing any audio file playback. All this is very intensive on the HD. So, if you can keep the o/s and any programme files separate from titles, stills preview files, audio files and raw footage, it will speed up the drive access time, reducing dropped frames.
Of course all this is also intensive on your processor so I recommend you shut down stuff not required for editing. This includes crash guards, virus protection, task schedulers, and a wee thing called Find Fast that comes with MS Office. Which is what I use enditall to manage for me.
Somebody mentioned that their Premiere will not run after enditall shut stuff down, I'd recommend they reinstall Premiere and attempt to run it without anything going on in the background, or on the task bar tray thingie at bottom right of the screen.

Caveat, do this only if you are having problems, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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