
Hawkeye vs Bonehead mindwarp

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got one of each, and I love the fact that both have the audible pockets internally. the only thing that I feel different is that the mindwarp is more of a well - mindwarping - I think it fits more snugly - I think that the aviator is wider. thats pretty much all though - they both are excellent helms
Be Simple, Be Creative, Bee!

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Sharon, do you think the mindwarp is lighter?

I jump a hawkeye lt. I put extra earpadding in to make it snugger. It was a little wide on my face and especially at first that helmet feels like it's just draggin down the camera side.


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exacly my point , the hawkeye is slightly wider, and with a cam on the side will feel like it's sliding off on the side of your head - that is if you have a narrow head (like me) - so the mindwarp feels much nicer, doesnt really move anywhere ...

as for weight ? not sure if it's noticable, but since the mindwarp doesnt jiggle and move - it feels more attached and lighter (even though I dont think its actually IS lighter - but then again - I havent got a clue)
Be Simple, Be Creative, Bee!

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My question, is why a Mindwarp? Have you looked at the Optik, it gives you everything you'd have from a tricked out Mindwarp but from the factory, molded in, not screwed on.

Just a thought.:)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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They both make very good helmets but I like Boneheads a little better. They are easier to get the right fit. The way they can be baked to give you a custom fit is really nice. I've seen them come along way in the last 5 or so years. I Really think the Flat Top Pro is the best helmet on the market. Or if you do a lot of free flying you should check out the OPTICK.

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I have a 2kComposites FF2, which is like the optic, but with the box built in. www.2kcomposites.com. They are pretty cool, but all the helmets that have been named here are good helmets and they will all work, just depends on what fits your needs the best. Have fun with it, Camera flying is a ton of FUN!

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