
New Sony Camera

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I have nicked this off the Blinc site - thought it may be of interest (apologies Feral)
#0, New SONY tape format .......Posted by feral on Sep-30-01 at 08:14 AMLAST EDITED ON Sep-30-01 AT 08:17 AM (PST) In a world scoop feral is able to deliver Base Board readers the first information of SONY'S new tape and camcorder format due for release in November 2001. In a first for the industry Sony will release a new camcorder that is able to record direct to a new micro tape format in MPEG-2 VIDEO.Sony has introduced a new generation of digital camcorders that employ a revolutionary new format called MICROMV.The new format is aimed at the videomaker who intergrates their camcorder and a PC.The new format is designed to create the ultimate personal image capture, edit and archive networks. MICROMV is the first Sony consumer format to use the MPEG-2 video compressionstandard as the basis for its operating system.The advanced recording techology offers outstanding video and audio qualty and uses MICROMV cassettes that are 70 PERCENT SMALLER than MiniDV cassettes.Sony claim that the space saving resulting from the smaller tape size means a significantly smaller camcorder that is easier to carry and simpler to operate.The first MIRCOMV format camcorder will mark a new era in advanced camcorder technology. A convenient new feature or the MICROMV cassettes is an impressive 64KB of memory in each cassette.This lets users access all the details of the info stored on the tape when the last shots recorded,how long the clips are and how muchrecording time left on the cassette. A multi-picture search function using this memory shows users a still image at the start of up to 11 separate clips.The whole 60min tape can be searched in just four minutes with the camcorder's LCD screen function as a monitor.If users want to share their pictures immediately, then the MPEG MOVIE AD feature lets them capture up to 82 minutes of video and audio (in 280 second clips) onto a 128MB Memory Stick in the camcorder.yhis footage can then be tranferred to a PC for easy editing and transmission via email. In developing MICROMV, Sony created a sophisticated set of pc intergrated features and functions using already well accepted video compression techniques. The adoption of MPEG-2 compression enhances internet usage of the material shot by the new format camcorder since it is alresdy a leading open standard, used in many differant applications. At 12Mb/s, MICROMV has a bit rate less than half that of MiniDV and so creates significant savings in hard disk drive space on a PC without compromising picture qualty.At the same time, the newhigh density PB TECHNOLOGY which reads and writes material on a much narrower pitch. This is combined with a 'double scan' data reading system, achieves significantly higher accuracy in data reading and transfer from camcorder to PC. The first MICROMV camcorder (DCR-IP7)offers a range of PC connections options including i.LINK (MICROMV IN/OUT), MEMORY STICK and a USB terminal. The MICROMV camcorder explioits the advantages that non-linear editing technology offers. With MPEG-2's group pictures (GOP) file compression system,real advantages are derived when editing footage as the file structure lets you 'drag-and-drop'files easly into a variety of non-linear editing applications. At the heart of the new MICROMV-baseed DCR-IP7 camcorder is the enhanced functionality made available by the sophistication of the MPEG-2 recording system.According to Sony,despite the small size of the new tape and the camcorder it is used in, the picture quality provided by this MPEG-2 based recording system is equivalent to MiniDV.This high video quality complements MPEG audio layer 2 stereo sound. Standard in the IP7 include Super Steady shot,Carl Zeiss lens 120x digital zoom 10x optical zoom capability, 180,000 pixel precision view finder and a progressive shutter system providing high quality image capture in any conditions. The camcorder uses a 2.5 inch 210,000 pixel LCD screen with a playback zoom facility for instantaneous, high qualty playback of material. For PC connectivity, the IP7 features an i.LINK(MICROMV IN/OUT) with cable supplied. The camcorder also provides analog-in and- out allowing users to transcode analog material from other sources. In another first, the DCR-IP& employs BLUETOOTH technology to enhance its network functionality via a mobile phone< or a Sony BLUETOOTH MODEM BTANW1>.Bluetooth is a industry standard for simple, cordless connection and data transfer within a range of 10m. By employing Bluetooth features users can gain wireless access to their email facilities (both picture and text) or brouse the web. The DCR-IP7 MEPG MOVIE AD recording mode on Memory Stick lets users record an MEPG MOVIE in four different modes-LITE,STANDARD,FINE and SUPERFINE (MPEG-1). Using the lite mode users can capture 82 minutes of MPEG MOVIE on a 128 MB Memory Stick(max 280 seconds per clip) before transferring it directly to their PC editing archiving or emailing. Price is said to be $4800 AUD you work it out in USD it makes me sick the AUD buys 48.56cents bsbd

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It's -almost- never a good idea to purchase the first model of a new technology.
I would -almost- never consider such a purchase until there was a little maturity in the product line. Probably the only exception to that rule would be in the case of something that can not be done -any- other way. In this case, the mini-DV format is a very mature and stable product line and therefore rules this new format out for me at this time.

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Yet smaller cameras... hmmm... now if we could only get them to make them in a more horizontally oriented design that would be great. Imagine a camera a little smaller than a PC5 that you can mount on TOP of your head (out of the way of your risers) with only a 2 inch addition to the top of your helmet instead of 6. I'm gettin wood thinkin about that...
I dont see why they dont. A camcorder in the same rough dimensions (wider than tall) so you can hold them like binocs makes more sense to me than that vertical thing they did with the PC series. Hell, during "normal" use, holding my PC5 too long makes my wrist sore.

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u could just turn it on it side :-) seriusly though email some of the companies they might have plans for one or you may get the ball rolling. I am actually surprised nobody makes a camera for skydiving etc seens as there is such a market now everyone seems to be getting one and no doubt if there was a cam that was for skydiving it would prob sell like hotcakes
i live my life 14000 ft at a time, nothen else matters, in that 60 seconds or less im free

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Sony? give us plans? even CONSIDER modifying (or producing) a camera for a minority group like ours? not a chance. Hell, Sony makes more camcorders in 60 days than we have vidiots. Yes, there are alot of us by our standards, but not by the standards of a global electronics firm.
Nice thought tho'.

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With a target base of less then 3000 units it does'nt make much sense to do the design and RD for a whole line of cameras. Sony would be better to market an underwater camera then a "skydiving" camera.
Be safe, be smooth, be fast..... and most importantly.... be phree :)

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well i didnt mean specificly skydiving juast extreme sport pov shots in general everything from skiing to bmx base jumpen etc could all use the same type of cam somthen that is strong light small etc and built to be able to be easily worn
i live my life 14000 ft at a time, nothen else matters, in that 60 seconds or less im free

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wouldnt it be awsome if ppl like footballers or hocky players wore helmet cams that what offer some awsome footage hmm slow motion of player a's face as player b accidently kicks him in the nuts owww
i do think though that a camera company should make these cameras mayby one profesional for things like the above and one prosumer like most of us. It would be a telivision sports revolution
* if any camera companys out there like my idea you could give me a job :-) im serious *
i live my life 14000 ft at a time, nothen else matters, in that 60 seconds or less im free

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Just though I'd let you know....
I just saw the new beast in a Paris shop yesterday. DAMM that camera is small... I meam damm small.. The 60 minute MICRO DV tape is the size of a large stamp! (a bit thicker ;))
Muff 914

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