
Photo of long figure on the ramp for tattoo

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Skydive has been on my veins for long enough that now I want it on my skin.

So.. the idea is to make it on the inside of my arm, staring on the fringe of the armpit and ending just before the elbow...

It must be a 4-way and because of the orientation, it's better to be a long figure (a snowflake would be perfect for example).

It would be perfect if it has a pilatus or an otter diving on the background, but if if doesn't, I can add it later.

So... if you have a photo like this and wouldn't mind if I used it as a model for my tattoo, I'd be very grateful!
Una volta che avrete imparato a Volare, camminerete sulla terra guardando il cielo perchè è là che siete stati ed è là che vorrete tornare.

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Since I never had a tattoo before, I'm not thinking about it (I remember I had more fear prior to my second jump :))
But I heard that before too.... heck... I can feel it is more sensitive than other parts of my body
Una volta che avrete imparato a Volare, camminerete sulla terra guardando il cielo perchè è là che siete stati ed è là che vorrete tornare.

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I can feel it is more sensitive than other parts of my body

Don't be too sure of that...my g/f had one on the top of her foot; hurt like hell. They take that needle right across the bones that lay at the top of your foot. I've also heard that down the spine can hurt like a bitch.


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I can feel it is more sensitive than other parts of my body

Don't be too sure of that...my g/f had one on the top of her foot; hurt like hell. They take that needle right across the bones that lay at the top of your foot. I've also heard that down the spine can hurt like a bitch.


The closer you are to the bone the more it'll hurt. I got one on my right ankle and it hurt like hell! The armpit, though not as close to bone is very close to alot of major nerves and arteries. I'm thinking that it ranks right up there with close bone contact. :|

Maybe all tattos should just be on the butt. ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I have a full sleeve from top of the shoulder to my wrist. The underside of the arm I thought hurt pretty badly, until I did the inside and outside of my elbow - THAT nearly made me tear up.




Good luck with your idea, and be sure to post pics when you are able to get it!!

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