
Sore Fingers - Newbie Side Effect

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For all those with 2,000 4way jumps, perhaps this will bring back fun memories from your first jumps...

I only have 50 4way jumps - and I am jumping on a rookie team where I am probably the second most experienced teammate (not to brag, but to show the experience level of the team in general)... So our bloopers video is the only video we seem to have... (note - I am having the time of my life and learning a lot from our coach and teammates, so no complaints.)

But I have a sore body part that I never GUESSED would have been sore... My fingers! I have realized that our exits, from the King Air, are more of a wrestling match instead of the ideal exit you might see Airspeed do, or even what I have done with friends out of an Otter... Between us getting better and an Otter coming on line soon, I hope we will have better luck in the door soon… But, until then…

The video shows, as a center, if I was the lucky one to actually be presented to the relative wind, I then was doing everything possible on the hill to put two other people where they needed to be... If I was the unlucky one to get cut or blow the exit, then I was holding on for dear life thru a hybrid freefly formation... Either way, my fingers and hands were doing a lot of work.

4 days after 10 training jumps, my fingers still hurt from holding on so tight... They feel just like they do after working with a tool that requires a lever to be squeezed all day long, like a staple gun.

Anyway, I just thought it was funny, and some of the more experienced guys would get a "been there - done that - laugh."

Have a great day.


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>The video shows<
So wheres the video

salut i força canut

The video of the king air exits is, well, waiting to encode. The video of the otter exits, which does not quite have the same hold on for dear life, can be found at http://www.indigox.com/PPP%20Camp%20Short.wmv. I am the one with red grippers, and for the record, you are looking at my 50th thru 60th jump EVER, so don't expect Airspeed... But we got points. :P (This is not my current team in this video.)

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>The video shows<
So wheres the video

salut i força canut

The video of the king air exits is, well, waiting to encode. The video of the otter exits, which does not quite have the same hold on for dear life, can be found at http://www.indigox.com/PPP%20Camp%20Short.wmv. I am the one with red grippers, and for the record, you are looking at my 50th thru 60th jump EVER, so don't expect Airspeed... But we got points. :P

For a guy with less than 100 relative jumps you must of had /have a damb fine coach, You seem to have learnt slow is fast
an the few mistakes I saw are to be expected with your number of jumps,
I think your sore fingers maybe due to the fact that your legs are a little long on exit,

Great video

Gone fishing

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Nice video! You are doing great for your jump numbers.

So who was the coach on the video? You know the one flying mantis. ;)
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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So who was the coach on the video? You know the one flying mantis.

And the one slapping people who take grips too early...:P Since you asked... Pat and Mike from Dan B.C.'s camp, depending on the jump. Quade (on these forums) shot the video...

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>The video shows<
So wheres the video

salut i força canut

The video of the king air exits is, well, waiting to encode. The video of the otter exits, which does not quite have the same hold on for dear life, can be found at http://www.indigox.com/PPP%20Camp%20Short.wmv. I am the one with red grippers, and for the record, you are looking at my 50th thru 60th jump EVER, so don't expect Airspeed... But we got points. :P (This is not my current team in this video.)

Holy crap. Rookies my butt. You guys kick ass for your low jump numbers. I am ashamed. I'm gonna crawl back in my hole right now. Keep up the great work. I'm jealous of you guys. I wish I had half of your flying skills. What a rude awakening. I have so much to learn. Thanks for posting this video.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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