
Freefly Pants Vs. Suits

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A suit just because I don't want to have to worry about a shirt coming untucked out of pants and covering my handles.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I use a suit, simple because I need the extra material on my arms to slow my fall rate down. If you're a new FFer and are trying to learn how to sit fly, I would recommend against the pants until you have your sit/stand rock stable.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i like both. for the more important dives (or when it's cold), were i want to be able to do quite a few docks, i wear my suit, just so it's easier for me to fly in like if i get low, i can get back a little quicker. i don't have to fly as big either. or on the dives that i know will be slow.

but pants, and a shirt are great for summer days, when it's too hot for a full suit, then i just have to work a bit harder to stay with the group.


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I have both, but only wear my pants. As small as I am, I need the smallest amount of drag possible. The pants combined with a tight long sleeved-T I'm able to stay down with anyone...even have had several people head down with me in a sit.
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Hi All,
Timely question for me - for a while now I have been experimenting with different jump suit combinations to see what impact it has on my fall rate range. I have several suits - a BEV suit with no booties, an Icarus with booties and freefly pants with sweat shirt. Wearing the Icarus gives me a very fast fall rate with lots of leg power, but really diminishes my low range ending up with a 118 - 132+, the BEV suit gives me about a 115 - 130+ with a noticiable decrease in leg power, and the freefly pants with sweat shirt gets me down to 112 - 128+. However, like SKYMAMA I get concerned with the sweat shirt interfering with my cut away and rip cord handles. One thing I haven't tried are the removable sleaves. I am hoping that I can use sleaves on my Icarus to get a fall rate range of 113 - 130+. I weigh in at about 185 and fall fast, ballooning to stay from going low on formation dives takes too much flying control away from me. This past weekend I did a half dozen 2-way jumps with a buddy who wieghs in at about 150, and wears weight belt (12lbs). Using the free fly pants we were able to pull off an average 7/8 points per jump - we still had to really work at adjusting, and I would have liked to have had my booties. Does any one have any input regarding sleaves and where to purchase them? Sorry about getting out on a tangent with this thread.:S

phat, dumb & happy

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I started with a freefly suit because I am a big boy.. 6'1 220.. But as my skill has allowed me to slow down I am in no need of all the drag except for big ways..
I still use it all the time because I have gotten so used to the feel of drag on my arms. When you are able to have total freedom with your arms and have a mile of drag on them then you know that you can fly your legs well.YOu know that you can compensate for anything... It makes you a better flyer in the end..
Plus,It is always easier to go faster than it is to slow down in freeflying..

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