
Neos vs GLSxf?

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Johnny is dead on with everything about this canopy and is one of the only people to listen to about Icarus products since he works for the company!
It is not old tech it is been in research and development for 5 years.
To answer the question of the orginal thread; demo both canopies and make your decision. If the company does not offer a demo then theres your answer right there!
The neos is not in any canopy class it is the only canopy with this design. All in all it is a awesome canopy if you want a honest opinion demo one for yourself. Are you going to buy a car with out test driving it. And remember to EACH HIS OWN!
Oh yeah dont listen to TJ 12k and still cant land!lol
Dusty Smith Icarus Canopies Mirage Sys
Cookie Composite Sonic Flywear

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You can get a GLSxf right now if you want.

you can get a Neos too. There may not be info on the website etc. Actual user feedback like you have here is always more valuable than the companies opinion.

The company will always say; the best openings, the best flight characteristics, the best flare etc.

you either want one or you don't.

Do eeeeeeeet!


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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You can get a GLSxf rigthnow if you want.

you can get a Neos too. There may not be info on the website etc. Actual user feedback like you have here is always more valuable than the companies opinion.

The company will always say; the best openings, the best flight characteristics, the best flare etc.

I know I can get one right now if I want and I know what companies says about his own canopies, but when a company don't release a canopy, we may think the canopy isn't 100% ready for sell so we may think that the canopy could have service bulletins, no used market to resell it and stuff like that in the future....
I don't know why the Company isn't release it yet...

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The Neos is released. There is stock updates available on the website. The website is being overhauled (taking longer than Icarus would like), but the PIA was the official release on the Neos.

Hopefully the website will be done soon, and you will have all the Neos info you could want.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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I have never seen a sail crossfire anywhere.


Thats like calling a PD 9 cell a Sabre 2!

It is a GLSxf not a crossfire with sail.

I wanna see one and fly one too!

My next/2nd canopy will most definitely be a GLSxf loaded at around 1.8 because it fills the voids that my JVX doesn't ( tight demos, speed flying on mellow slopes and big ways).

I'm sure they will perform as announced. Jyro and Jim Slaton know canopies well enough to make that judgment.


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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His impression: It's a great all-round canopy. If all you want to do is swoop, a Katana may be better, but if you want a more versatile beast, it's great.

I've not jumped it, and I don't have the experience to tell you how accurate those impressions are, but for what they're worth...

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His impression: It's a great all-round canopy. If all you want to do is swoop, a Katana may be better, but if you want a more versatile beast, it's great.

I've not jumped it, and I don't have the experience to tell you how accurate those impressions are, but for what they're worth...

So basically he doesn't think it performs any better/worse than a regular XF2?

Performance Designs Factory Team

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> but I believe that it's aimed at the crossbraced market, for those who don't jump every day..

I don't see it in that market. It's similar to the Diablo in that at high loadings, it wants to turn after opening (before the brakes are released.) You can fly through it as you kill the slider etc but it takes attention away from the area around you, and that's not something that's a good feature for a "weekend warrior" canopy IMO. I'd go with a Crossfire over a Neos for someone who isn't going to stay current enough to jump a 2.2 to 1 crossbrace.

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So basically he doesn't think it performs any better/worse than a regular XF2?

His description made it sound awfully like a regular XF2, but since this is his first high-performance wing I'm not sure if he's even jumped a regular XF2. Or, indeed, if he's jumped a Katana of the same size as his GLSxf.

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okay thats it I am going to jump the neos next weekend...

I will do a high pull on it and wail on it and as well do some regular jumps



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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I don't see it in that market. It's similar to the Diablo in that at high loadings, it wants to turn after opening (before the brakes are released.) You can fly through it as you kill the slider etc but it takes attention away from the area around you, and that's not something that's a good feature for a "weekend warrior" canopy IMO. I'd go with a Crossfire over a Neos for someone who isn't going to stay current enough to jump a 2.2 to 1 crossbrace.

I jumped a diablo for 30 or so jumps, That is what i remember most. the roller coaster ride before the brakes were released. Does the Neos do that?

is that from your own experiences?
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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His description made it sound awfully like a regular XF2, but since this is his first high-performance wing I'm not sure if he's even jumped a regular XF2. Or, indeed, if he's jumped a Katana of the same size as his GLSxf.

If they perform like an Xfire2 then i'm sold!

please keep us updated if anyone else is allowed to jump this guys new canopy. I'm sure they will want to.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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If they perform like an Xfire2 then i'm sold!

Why? Isn't it more expensive to get one made out of sail material? If it performs the same as a non-sail I'm baffled why you'd want to deal with the extra pack volume and container sizing issues that come with sail material?

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Me too, Ian. I can see the potential for the slightest of performance increase (JVX Z-po vs. Hybrid vs. Sail comparison) over a standard crossfire, but nothing mind-blowing. Still, I have already been attacked by one person to referring to the canopy as a "sail crossfire"...

I predict that in the near future (definitely less than five years) you will be able to get pretty much any HP canopy with a hybrid (sail) top skin option. I don't count that as anything monumental, just smart.


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