
how long till comfortable w/ a canopy?

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Without knowing anything about your background and jumping experience it's hard to understand exactly what you're looking for. Despite being a private pilot before I became a skydiver, it took me a good 150-175 jumps before I started feeling comfortable under first a Triathlon 220, then a Sabre2 190. But in that time, I have obviously jumped more and learned tons not only about canopy flight but also about myself.

When I went to my new to me (used) JVX 87, the first two jumps were made in Colorado and while I did do a 270 over the pond on both jumps (and touched water) I approached those jumps in a somewhat docile manner where I setup slightly higher and farther back than normal and definitely wasn't looking to generate tons of speed (ie: doing something like double fronts). Plus while I did touch water, I went into those jumps thinking that the water was optional. All I really wanted to do was get a good feel for the canopy. Then my next 50 or so jumps were made at sea level with no pond and once again the first few jumps, I wasn't looking to generate any extra speed. But after 20-30 jumps on the canopy I started looking for more performance.

Of course now that I am uncurrent, when I do get to jump again I likely will break out one of my larger canopies before I go for it again on the JVX. We definitely don't want to get behind the canopy when we're jumping something we're not all that familiar with.

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People, feel free to correct me if im wrong here, but i think it varies from person to person. You WILL know when you comfortable under a canopy. If you are still in doubt, then you probably not. Then again, arrogance and over confidence can get you killed...

Just my 2 cents...
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I've owned three canopies. An old ragged-out Airforce 220, a Spectre 190, and a Samurai 170. Lets discount the Airforce - it got junked because it was worn-out F-111 and it didn't fly or land properly.

I did 400-odd jumps on my Spectre loaded at ~1.0. It took me 300+ jumps to become comfortable with the canopy. For me, comfort was the ability to land the canopy anywhere, anytime. Wind has come up and I'm backing up at a rate of knots? No problem. Dodgy spot and I have to land in a small paddock? Not a worry. Break fire on opening after a 40-way? Pshaw.

I currently have about 400 jumps on the Samurai 170, which I load at about 1.2. The first 50 or so jumps scared the crap out of me. By virtue of being smaller and very elliptical, the canopy was so much more responsive than the Spectre. It seemed I only had to think about where I wanted to go and there I went! After doing 300+ 90s, I've just recently stepped up to 180-degree front riser turns. I'm now comfortable on this canopy, though I've not yet tapped its full potential. Comfort, for me, was the ability to think ahead of the canopy, to be anticipating, analysing, and correcting during my setup and swoop, making small corrections before major ones were needed. I'm having lots of fun!

My new rig should be ready to jump in late February or early March.

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For me to feel like I've really dialed in a canopy I want atleast 500 jumps on a canopy. The last canopy I had, between a demo and the one I owned of the same size I had about 700 jumps on it. By the time I sold it I felt like I was really getting just about all the canopy would give me out of it. I know that if I had put another 300-400 jumps on the canopy I probably would have gotten more out of the canopy, but I was ready to move on and I wanted to move on.
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I started jumping my new 120 Hurricane 3 weeks ago and have managed to put 30-40 odd jumps on it so far. I would say that i feel comfortable under it, meaning when i open and fly and land it doesn't scare the piss out of me. However, that doesn't mean that i'm even close to having it dialed in. I think that would take at least 500 - 1000 jumps.

I think the reason that i'm comfortable under it is that i made a small downsize, i went from a 129 Safire to the Hurricane after putting a lot of jumps on the Safire and was encouraged to spend a lot of time putting the effort into the somewhat more forgiving canopy.

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IMHO I believe it's less about 'feeling comfortable' and more about mastering a canopy.
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>i went from a 129 Safire to the Hurricane after putting a lot of jumps on the Safire and was encouraged to spend a lot of time putting the effort into the somewhat more forgiving canopy.

Hi Peej, do you mean the hurricane is more forgiving?

they fly like a stiletto don't they? = short recovery arc?

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they fly like a stiletto don't they? = short recovery arc?

No, Worlds apart. In my experience, the hurricane opens hard, glides poorly even on deep brakes and is heavy in all control inputs. That's all very different from the Stilleto. The recovery arc is much, much longer too. You may be thinking about the Heatwave.

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>You may be thinking about the Heatwave.

Yeah I am, i thought they were similar but obviously I am mistaken. i have only flown a hurricane 2 times.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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