
storing a rig for a year

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Because of some things that went on last summer, I never had a chance to jump the used rig I bought. It was packed in March of this year and has basically been sitting in a corner of my house since then. I want to leave it this way till next spring when I’ll have it repacked. Do any of you riggers see a problem with this? I’d rather not mess with disassembling it. I only have an A license.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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First off I am not a rigger. But my rigger has told me to do this and since your reserve will be out of date, it will need to be repacked by the time you want to jump it anyway. So here's what I've been told:

Unpack both your main and your reserve canopies and place them into their own respective garbage bags. Next place the the rig into a nice cool dark place (away from insects) and make sure not to have anything on your reserve spring. Finally, since I've been told to release my main risers once a month and exercise the rings, it's also a good idea to just release the main canopy (using your cutaway handle) from the rig as well while you're storing everything.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Only reason I'd pop it is if you have a Cypres. If you do and the batteries are old they can corode and eat through your reserve and your container. Best have them inspected if you do have a Cypres.
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It does have a Cypres in it. The DOM and battery install date was 8/01. Sounds like I should pop the reserve and take out the AAD even though it is relatively new and not due for a battery change till 8/03. Is that correct?

“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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Pop it and just lift the freebag out but don't take the reserve out of the freebag. Store everything as far from sunlight and anything else as possible.

Thats my advise... but I'm not your rigger. Call your rigger to see what they say.
Yesterday is history
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has this actually happened to anyone?

I remember reading about an incident where the batteries leaked (they were way over the 2 year replacement cycle).

Also rubber bands react w/ the brass grommets and can stick to lines. It is good to take the pressure off the reserve locking stow.


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