
Does Front riser pressure get less with higher WL?

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Mark one thing why would you tell someone that has 105 jumps to do helicopters.Why would he even be worried about front risers and harness turns he should be focusing on landing patterns and canopy coaching right now before the big things like swooping.

first off ryan, it is the internet. i can say things like that because peeps like you will correct me.:)
second, why do you think i shouldn't tell him to try it? he is jumping out of airplanes after all.:|

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It puts the canopy into something just short of stall mode. It reduces forward speed, but doesn't really increase lift. The canopy is still totally controlable though. Too much and I suppose it would stall, which I guess could in turn cause the "helicopter" situation. Anyway, with such a mismatched canopy to their Tri 135s, I find it quite effective for staying in a nice spot behind them, as opposed to sashaying for the whole dive.


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Yep, a front riser on one side (left say), and a toggle on the other (right). I have done it with a rear riser too, but prefer to use a toggle for both ease and feel.

For the actual CRW guys (sequential team), they most often use it to drop into a slot that they have overshot and are sitting high and in front of, or to drop down a level or two without having to make a big out and in move.

You can definitaly feel it when you're in the flight mode. Like I said, it feels kinda like just pre-stall, but the canopy still feels rigid and controlable. Can't think of a damn thing I would use it for other than videoing CRW though...


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Can't think of a damn thing I would use it for other than videoing CRW though...


i think if you fly it different you might get a different effect.

ive only tried it once, on one canopy, and i got a helicopter.;)

it was fun, but kinda useless.

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My experience has been, non-crossbrace canopies front riser pressure becomes lighter with the smaller wings,weight adds other factors too. Large wing heavy pressure,small wing less heavy pressure. crossbrace canopies load highly no matter once a 270 is completed with front riser input.

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I can ony tell my experience:

Jumped a Sabre 150 and 135.
In the same weather conditions the frontriser pressure on the 135 was much lighter then on the 150.
Afterwards I started jumping with a Demon 120, 110 and 100 from Performance variable.
With this canopy the frontriser pressure on the 120 was also much higher. The difference between the 110 and the 100 wasn't that big but is was anyway lighter then on the 120.

I hope that this information was useful for you.


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one thing why would you tell someone that has 105 jumps to do helicopters

Because it can teach you things about your canopy. Isn't part of becoming a competent canopy pilot not just knowing how to do everything you can do with a canopy but also having done it?

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Ya Skybytch! Beginning at a Cessna Dz where people hung out and spent the night in the DZ floor,bonfires,talking black death, and such was also a great learning experience. We dreamed up the 'what if' sceanario's. I'd usually be the fella trying the wicked things out. Learned much with the cruislite 220, including ,turn rates, front riser dives, crw, swooping, stalls, helicopter, spinning stalling things, nose over stalls, how to fix a line over, and much more.It became like a freak show/ air show everytime i jumped. Shortly after landing spectators would commonly say 'thats crazy'. Soon the name crazy was added to my first name mostly for the crazy aerial stunts. This began right at 100 jumps. 100 jump wonder? ever heard of that?

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