
Sebastian will double prize money for FLCPA round 5

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Thanks, Mark.

I really want to thank LoudDan for being so convincing and getting me to compete (I was really on the fence, and after going through the competition, I had much reason to be.) I had a great time and I see so much room for improvement. I was getting very comfortable with doing the same turn over and over, not worrying about entry points, just chillin'. It is nice to have gained a bit of focus because you don't see how bad you are until you compete, lol!

Thanks to Chris Hayes for setting up the 9-cell class! I can't wait to compete again (hopefully after improving some in the coming weeks.) And, thanks to Alti-2 for donating the prizes. My jacket is nice n warm, although I think the t-shirt Dan got was a bit more my size (but it was funny seeing him in it!)


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no dates for four years??

i thought you were the main playa in the whole of georgia!?

we missed you man but a four year gap in your sex life will change any red blooded male's priorities!

no dates cause im not a playa.

i do have freinds however.

and the sex life is just fine.

and no jail time either.

i love how you southafrican motherf!@#$rs can dish out the shit talk but you just cant take it! IAN;)

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Hey Angela,

Doesn't Rory owe beer?? I'm coming for you guys in Lake Wales;). Be cool, be safe, practice hard.

It was awesome meeting you guys, and I'm really glad we got to compete. I can't complain, I used to pay a lot of money to get beat by a girl.:ph34r:

Peace out.

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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Doesn't Rory owe beer?? I'm coming for you guys in Lake Wales. Be cool, be safe, practice hard.

He should! I bought 40$ in beer, so maybe I covered his, too?:p

I am hoping to get a good amount of practice in and start doing some nice 270s before next time. I found it quite difficult setting up for 180s in the wind. Hopefully I can straighten out some other issues I had as well. I think Rory may enter Int next time, but you are welcome to come out and kick my ass, k? :D


It was awesome meeting you guys, and I'm really glad we got to compete. I can't complain, I used to pay a lot of money to get beat by a girl.

lol!!! Well, i'm glad you got something other than the t-shirt, then;) hehe.

It was great to meet you, too! You're a lot of fun and I can't wait to see everyone again next month!


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Tyler Lawson at Skyquest

Hey Tyler are those your legs or are you riding on a chicken? Can I get an Amen brother? Nice f'n swoop.

uhh huh! brian is lurking... lol... whats up brian?

tyler dude. get a tan!

if i get a tanning bed in the house, will you move back in?B|

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