
How do you pack a pullout?

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I was curious how people pack a pullout. How do you pack the pc before closing the rig? What are really bad ways of packing a pullout that may cause a malfunction? Are their better ways to pack the pc than the manufacturer recommendations? Thanks for the help!! :$
Base # 942
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On a rig with pullout deployment the pilot chute is packed on top inside the main container. It is places on top of the deployment bag. The small piece of bridle that has the pin and handle then come out the bottom of the flaps and they are closed. The lanyard will be straight from the pin to the handle. When you deploy you pull the handle, which pulls the pin and then extracts the pilot chute out of the main container. Unlike a pullout where you hold the apex of the PC and it will stay in your hand. The handle on a pullout is attached to the bridle below the PC itself and it is pulled out of your hand as soon as the air catches it. Things to watch is closing the flaps wrong so that the lanyard with the pin is routed around a flap inducing a total and closing the right flap last leaving a stiff corner (on some rigs, some have round flaps) that the lanyard can get hooked around and cause a hard pull. That's it. Hope it answers your question.

Blue Skies,
Blue Skies,
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On a rig with pullout deployment the pilot chute is packed on top inside the main container.

I dunno much about pull outs but I once saw a rigger from canada that packed the pilot chute on the right side of the container, the container was a javelin and if am not mistaken it was on the side that is under main flap number 4.


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Being curious is fine but this is NOT the place to learn to pack a pullout. You need to read the manual for the specific rig and find specific personal training. You are not only packing the PC, your routing and stowing the "ripcord" pin, "cable", and handle. The lanyard with the pin and "pud" (handle) is esentially the ripcord. In twenty four years I've seen probably two dozen reserve rides due to pull out problems. Some of them were design issues on early versions but most were operator error. Pull outs can be effect deployment methods, but take a lot of care and recognition of what can go wrong.
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I have a Wings pullout that I pack with the pc under the top flap. Where you put the pc isn't as much an issue (I've seen under the bottom and right side flaps also) as where the pin bridle passes through the grommet on the main bridle. When I first had my pullout, I packed the bridle grommet junction point under the top and side flaps creating a hell-ashish hard pull (may have been a total for some), because of the added pressure of two flaps. Make sure the grommet that the pin bridle passes through is only under the side flap w/o much pressure on it. I've seen some guys actually leave it exposed on Infinity rigs, so there is zero pressure on it, but it is a slightly different design from my Wings.

Also, be prepared for a floating handle scenario. If you make a short pull dislodging the handle without extracting the pin, you get a floating handle. I've had a couple that I cleared with one sweep of the thumb. You should rehearse doing a thumb sweep up the bottom side of the rh side flap to catch the bridle an extract the pin. I keep a two sweeps and your out rule for myself (I deploy at 3000').

So why do I like a pullout? I do many low jumps after throwing static line students. I like a more positive deployment method. I used to get a lot of pilot chute hesitations when I had a throw out. I also like the bridle protection more on a throw out. I think it is better to have everything in the container for higher speeds in freefall.


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