
IPC World Cup Opening Show Pics

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Sorry if you missed it last night, it was a good show.

After introducing all the competitors we were treated to multiple flybys of a Fouga (spelling?) jet.

Then a NOICE aerobatics show RIGHT OVER THE POND by Mike Mengal (again spelling?) in his Extra.

The was also a demo perfomed afterward including a 5 way 270 degree hook and swoop by team PD, a 4 way 2 on 2 head on swoop by menbers of Team Icarus EXTreme and my favorite Team Xaos!

I thought Luke Akins, and Andy Farrington had the best performance w/ a Mr. Bill on a red, white, and blue canopy, trailing a large American flag. They held the Mr. Bill till 1800agl when Andy lept off and deployed his Daggar canopy, and did his own routine of stalls and manuvers to the ground (ummm yeah, the 1 out in front of that 1800' figgure may or may not be optional!:D)

Here are some pictures, it's hard to shrink them down to fit here. I'll try to post more later....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I am sure that Perris will post results at the end of the day maybe even throughout the rounds. This morning started kind of slow. The first 2 round got off then the fog rolled in just as load 3 was loading. Only 2 people got wet up to that point. Most of the guys (and 2 girls) seemd pretty comfortable with the course and did very well. To bad I had to come into work. [:/]

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I jsut got off the phone with Dan at Manifest and he is not even sure yet. He did say that they will be posting on the Perris web site. The word is that all the U.S. Team is in. I have heard 2 conflicting reports about the Canadien team. One report says the top guys got in and the other report said that none of them made it in. So I am going to have to dig around after work at the DZ. If they don't post on the Perris site tonight, I'll try and get the list of names from Jim or Scott Smith and post it later tonight or in the a.m.

The Japanese did make it in! Them little fellers have been working hard the last few months out here at Perris. Don' t think they will win, but for some reason I am pulling for them to show really well. those guys are hard core! No matter how hard they land or how wet they get, they just keep getting back on the next plane and trying again.

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Update from the USPA Website:


Wednesday, September 24

3:00 p.m.
The IPC Go Fast World Cup of Canopy Piloting 2003 began today with the qualifying rounds. Almost 70 competitors from 13 nations have gathered at the Perris Valley Skydiving Center near Los Angeles, California, for the first ever international event. Each jumper has six jumps in which to make four successful flights through the carving ten-foot high course, which measures 185 feet long, to continue in the competition beginning tomorrow.

Each competitor with four successful runs will be eligible to compete in the Ultra class, with $10,000 in prize money at stake, while those with only three successful runs will compete in the standard class. After two rounds, only six jumpers have failed in both runs. Despite the morning fog and afternoon winds, meet director Scott Smith is certain weather will not be a factor in finishing the meet by Saturday.

9:00 p.m.
In spite of gusty and continually changing winds--and a one-hour wind hold--all qualifying jumps were completed Wednesday, September 24, as scheduled. Unfortunately, Luke Aikens, winner of the distance event at the qualifier meet last July, hooked his foot during run-out on his first jump, breaking his ankle in three places.

Of the 64 competitors who registered, 51 qualifed for the Ultra class, seven will be competing in the Standard class and six either withdrew, didn't qualify or were injured, dropping the list of countries in the meet to 12.

Thursday starts with the speed rounds and each Standard competitor is scheduled to make six jumps, two in a straight course, two in a left-carving course, and two in a right-carving course. Some of their jumps could continue into Friday. The Ultra competitors are scheduled for three speed rounds, one in each course, and will probaby make all of them Thursday. The weather forecast is again for morning fog and light winds.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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Good news is that Olaf is ok. Bad news is he had a cut away on his first jump for the speed runs this morning! No offical results by the time I had to leave for work, but Heath had what looked like the fastest run up until I left. BLAZING!!!!!!! It was one of the sweetest swoops I have ever seen. There are Canadiens in the meet. Dave Brown had a nice run this morning as well. Clint, J.C. and Jim had nice fast runs as well. Jim is jumping the new Icarus protoype. To the naked eye it seemed Clint and J.C. came in faster under there VX's. Maybe Jim just had a bad run. For you Team Xaos lovers out there. Bad news. Luke broke his ankle yesterday and had surgery on last night. BTW he is 2 doors down form our own Eric Dennet in the hospital. If you don;t know Eric is the .commer that busted himself up a few months ago. SO at least they both have a skydiver close they can talk to when the drugs wear off!:D I talked to Scott Smith (meet director) He is going to do his best to update the PErris wweb site. If you guys look on www.perriscam.com and look at todays events. That is where it will be. The 124 ways are starting today so there should be some good pics of swopping and the big ways.

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Two guys from our club up here in Saskatoon are competing...Jay Beavis and Collin SInclair...any word on how they are doing would be much appreciated.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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